UC-MACSS / persp-analysis_A18

Perspectives on Computational Analysis (MACS 30000), Autumn 2018
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A very minor question about Assignment 1 #8

Closed jtschoi closed 5 years ago

jtschoi commented 5 years ago

Throughout the assignment's Question 2, we are asked to work with DescrStats.py. However, it is noticeable that the name of the file that is actually uploaded (to the main repo) is DescrStat.py. Can we assume that this is a typo and work with either DescrStats.py or DescrStat.py depending on whether groups changed file names afterwards?

Thank you!

liu431 commented 5 years ago

Good catch! I think this is just a typo.

Bobicheng-Zhang commented 5 years ago

It should just be a typo. I am having issues adding the .gitignore file. I don't see it locally after cloning. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

nnickels commented 5 years ago

The reason it's not showing up locally is because it's a hidden file (begins with .). You could edit the settings on your computer finder to show all types of file extensions - this would allow the .gitignore file that you cloned to your local machine to appear in your local repository.

Bobicheng-Zhang commented 5 years ago

Found it. Thank you! I used the terminal to show all hidden files and finally saw it.

jtschoi commented 5 years ago

Thank you!