UC-MACSS / persp-research_Spr18

Course site for MACS 30200 (Spring 2018) - Perspectives on Computational Research
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What should I put in for the "new limit value"? #35

Open yilundai opened 6 years ago

yilundai commented 6 years ago

On the limit increase form, there is one line asking for "new limit value", like this:

screen shot 2018-05-12 at 7 55 53 am

What value should I fill in?

bensoltoff commented 6 years ago

Arbitrarily I chose 2. Really you only need to run 1 instance, but this allows you to create a second if necessary.

tamos commented 6 years ago

Amazon rejected my initial request - how necessary is the limit increase request?

bensoltoff commented 6 years ago

You need at least 1 instance in order to access anything with GPU support. Someone else had this problem. I recommend replying and stating that you need access to a GPU enabled instance to practice training deep learning models. You understand that it is not a free tier but want access anyways. Let me know how Amazon replies.

nnickels commented 6 years ago

@tamos this same thing happened to me; I explained that it was for a class in the case description area and they allowed me one instance (but not two). See below:

Hi Nnickels,

Thank you for your patience thus far.

Your request for 2 p2.xlarge could not be fulfilled at this time. Not to worry though as I have proactively reached out to the Service Team requesting that they at least approve one as I understand that this is for a class assignment.

I am a student myself and understand how crucial this is for learning.

After extensively advocating on your behalf I am pleased to confirm that I was able to get you 1 p2.xlarge approved in the US East (Ohio). - I trust this helps :)

I understand that your following question may be " How do I get 2 p2.xlarge approved?

To reduce any effort on your side, I would like to provide you with the best recommendations of doing so:

-You can still request a reassessment of your original request, simply write back with another used case to motivate for this.

Second question: What if my reassessment gets declined?

-As your account is relatively new, the Service Team do not have much background on your usage history.

The Service team have as a once off business exception approved 1 p2.xlarge instance to create usage history on your account for future requests like this.

Upon checking your account, I do not see any running instances which allow us to see usage history, I would recommend launching the one that has already been approved. This will provide the required data to validate future requests of this nature.

Secondly, we recommend reviewing your billing to ensure that there are no outstanding bills on your account that can affect any future Service limit requests.

I trust my above correspondence has provided further clarity on your concern,

If I have misunderstood you in any way, Please reach out and let us know so that we can provide further assistance.

tamos commented 6 years ago

Thanks "Nnickels" - I've got it working on Google Cloud Compute Engine now so I think I'll stick with that, but good to know.