Open L4g0 opened 6 years ago
@L4g0 Check
Aquí dan un par de opciones que parecen viables también, aunque por lo que veo la gente usa bastante la primera que pasé
Yo diría, por lo usado que es en los círculos makers y del IOT, el ESP32:
Arduino + BLE + (creo) lipo charger: This guy made a similar project using this Bluetooth Module:
Give it a look, dudes
Maybe the ATtiny85 is a good idea, small microcontroller. It does not have Wifi/BT though.
I can provide an Attiny 85 with proggraming board for testing purposes and first prototypes.
Check this guide if you want to learn how to program this microcontroller.
Display + encoder will probably use all the pins available in ATtinny85
Yes, we can use some kind of mux, but idk. The best idea is to stick to the ESP32, I need to explore how to use it without the development board (nodeMCU), imo that is so big for a wearable
My approach would be:
Otherwise, challenges and problems arising from (2) will also affect (1) and it will be twice as hard to debug.
Hi! I'm doing this exactly same project right now. I'm using an Arduino Leonardo and a bluetooth module. I don't now if the Esp3's wifi circuit is necessary and this module is actualy very big. Anyway I have both microcontrollers here, and once the project was already started with ESP32 I will also use it . My idea is to design a small pcb for it in the future to reduce the size, but it is not very important right now. Let's make progress on this project!!
We will need an microcontroller small enough to fit in a wrist watch and capable of handling all the I/O need.