UC3Music / MetroNemo

An open-source vibrating metronome
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Arduino selection (or other microcontroller) #5

Open L4g0 opened 6 years ago

L4g0 commented 6 years ago

We will need an microcontroller small enough to fit in a wrist watch and capable of handling all the I/O need.

L4g0 commented 6 years ago

@L4g0 Check https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1259.html

L4g0 commented 6 years ago

@L4g0 https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=432323.0 https://www.google.es/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/43uzz8/what_is_the_smallest_possible_bluetooth_capable/

Aquí dan un par de opciones que parecen viables también, aunque por lo que veo la gente usa bastante la primera que pasé

David-Estevez commented 6 years ago

Yo diría, por lo usado que es en los círculos makers y del IOT, el ESP32:


David-Estevez commented 6 years ago

Arduino + BLE + (creo) lipo charger: https://www.seeedstudio.com/Blueduino-Rev2--Arduino-compatible-pius-BLE-CC2540-p-2550.html

Docs: http://wiki.aprbrother.com/wiki/BlueDuino_rev2

L4g0 commented 5 years ago

https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2628277 This guy made a similar project using this Bluetooth Module: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/14154

Give it a look, dudes

L4g0 commented 5 years ago

Maybe the ATtiny85 is a good idea, small microcontroller. It does not have Wifi/BT though.

JorFru commented 5 years ago

I can provide an Attiny 85 with proggraming board for testing purposes and first prototypes.

Check this guide if you want to learn how to program this microcontroller.

David-Estevez commented 5 years ago

Display + encoder will probably use all the pins available in ATtinny85

L4g0 commented 5 years ago

Yes, we can use some kind of mux, but idk. The best idea is to stick to the ESP32, I need to explore how to use it without the development board (nodeMCU), imo that is so big for a wearable

David-Estevez commented 5 years ago

My approach would be:

  1. Make it work with whatever board we have at hand (better if it has BT/WiFi)
  2. Once it's working, make it small

Otherwise, challenges and problems arising from (2) will also affect (1) and it will be twice as hard to debug.

brunorchaves commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'm doing this exactly same project right now. I'm using an Arduino Leonardo and a bluetooth module. I don't now if the Esp3's wifi circuit is necessary and this module is actualy very big. Anyway I have both microcontrollers here, and once the project was already started with ESP32 I will also use it . My idea is to design a small pcb for it in the future to reduce the size, but it is not very important right now. Let's make progress on this project!!