UCADevClub / HIS

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F. As a compliance officer, I want to document patient consent for treatments, procedures, and health information sharing, so that all necessary consent forms are recorded and stored securely within the system. #37

Open aydanuwa opened 6 months ago

nurlanotek commented 6 months ago

Who is compliance officer? In our case I think every hospital has some kind of a manager who makes sure that every patient signs consent form.

Also make a draft consent form such case. Use AI assistant to generate some kind of common consent form. It can be generated and displayed as intro web page which will be shown before patient can access his patient portal for the first time. For this task it is enough to just generate intermediate web page which will be displayed when the user signs to the patient portal for the first time.

ramilsalihar commented 6 months ago

Frontend Acceptance Criteria:

User Interface for Patient Consent Documentation:

Consent Form Entry:

Design a user-friendly interface allowing easy input of patient consent forms for treatments, procedures, and health information sharing.

Structured Form Sections:

Organize the consent forms into distinct sections for different types of consent to streamline data entry.

Clear Information Presentation:

Present information regarding treatments, procedures, and health information sharing comprehensively within the forms.

Consent History and Review:

Provide access to consent history for review and allow updates or additions to existing consents.

Real-time Consent Handling:

Immediate Form Saving:

Enable real-time saving of entered consent data to prevent loss during interruptions or system errors.

Validation and Error Alerts:

Implement real-time validation to ensure accurate consent details and prompt alerts for any incomplete or erroneous entries.

Confirmation and Signature:

Facilitate confirmation and digital or electronic signatures for recorded consents to ensure authenticity.