Open YasuyukiOkumura opened 9 years ago
@YasuyukiOkumura ,
Looks really nice! I'll take a deeper look, but a few quick comments:
And, just a general question: is it common to make binning finer near resonance peaks? Just curious, since I see variable binning on some other plots, where it makes sense to widen binning in regions with lower stats.
Best, Brian
Dear Brian & Gabriel,
Thanks, Brian, for useful comments! Suggestions have been implemented.
another update is Also I found that the pT binning has been applied as it supposed to be the lowest pT bin, and it has been modified. Now I show the pT bin 20,30,75,200, and even 20-30 GeV, the response looks reasonable. (and I removed the comment for concern for low pT slice)
PS: For Brian's question, in the current ones we apply flat binning. It could be tuned but not really needed for this case. It will be case by case.
Best regards, Yasu Okmura
Notes from jet calibration presentation:
Check leading jet kinematics since we see a discrepancy in cutflow table between data and MC Our cutflow shows discrepancies when we apply our balancing cuts, excess MC events
Slide 11: Have better range for ratio plot, difference around 5% level, zoom in.
Maybe run analysis with a different generator to see Z+jet balance (maybe Sherpa) to evaulate uncertainties Perhaps for b-tagging too, re-evaluate when we have higher statistics
Thanks for the note.
Let's start the preparation for the next round of our analysis.
Let's keep our momenta
Best regards, Yasu
Dear all,
I prepared a presentation draft for Tuesday meeting. The focus of the talk is to show the analysis machinery has been set and we started monitoring the data, rather than speaking things to be understood (we are too premature to speak up yet).
p2 : summary of sample p3 : summary of object definition / summary of MC calibration p4/5 : summary of selection criteria and cut flow p6/7 : Z kinematics plot after preselection (referred in p4, including leading jets cut) p8 : leading jet kinematics plot after preselection p9 : leading jet pT after full selection applied except for b-tag p10/11 : Z/leading jet balance at pre-tag stage p12 : Z/leading jet balance after b-tag (just in order to show available stat, and give the sense of needed luminosity for more serious business) p13 : one slide to summary for things to be checked more carefully soon p14 : summary / advertizement for planned extension
Any comments are welcome !
Best regards, Yasu Okumura