UCATLAS / xAODAnaHelpers

ATLAS Run 2 and Run 3 analysis framework for AnalysisTop and AnalysisBase for proton-smashing physics
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MET systematics #1364

Closed jbossios closed 5 years ago

jbossios commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to get MET systematics in my TTree but I am having no success.

c.algorithm("METConstructor", { "m_name" : "met", "m_referenceMETContainer" : "MET_Reference_AntiKt4EMTopo", "m_mapName" : "METAssoc_AntiKt4EMTopo", "m_coreName" : "METCore", "m_outputContainer" : "MET", "m_inputMuons" : "Muons_Selected", "m_inputJets" : "Jets_Selected", "m_runNominal" : False, "m_doJVTCut" : True, "m_dofJVTCut" : False, "m_calculateSignificance" : False, "m_jetSystematics" : "All", "m_muonSystematics" : "All", "m_outputAlgoSystNames" : "MET_Algo", } )

I have the following in TreeAlgo:

"m_METContainerName" : "MET", "m_metSystsVec" : "MET_Algo",

Any idea what I am missing? I see several TTrees for the muon and jet systematics but not for MET.

Best, Jona

kratsg commented 5 years ago

What does the log output look like when running the algorithm? Should get something like https://github.com/UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers/blob/c95e847f56a7b42cea647f2cefade19fea623a2b/Root/METConstructor.cxx#L160-L163

You should also be seeing (if you enable debug) loops over systematics in the constructor: https://github.com/UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers/blob/c95e847f56a7b42cea647f2cefade19fea623a2b/Root/METConstructor.cxx#L279

Then if we know for sure the met constructor algorithm is doing the right thing, then we can go ahead and check if the TreeAlgo is picking it up correctly.

jbossios commented 5 years ago

Hi @kratsg

Thanks for the help. I have MET systematics when using EMTopo jets, although I'm still trying to figure out how to get the systematics for PFlow jets. I created https://github.com/UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers/pulls to be able to use p-flow jets in METMaker. I will create another PR once I learn how to change the config in METSystematicTool (I tried a couple of things but didn't work, I sent an email to a couple of JetEtmiss mailing lists).