UCBAIR / decaf-release

Decaf is DEPRECATED! Please visit http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ for Caffe, the new framework that has all the good things: GPU computation, full train/test scripts, native C++, and an active community!
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Add dependencies to setup.py #5

Closed JoshRosen closed 10 years ago

JoshRosen commented 10 years ago

This commit adds dependencies to setup.py, which should make it easier to install Decaf using pip or easy_install.

For example, you can now run pip install -e ".[demo]" to perform an editable local install that includes the extra dependencies for running the demo site.

To discover the dependencies, I used snakefood to find all imports

sfood-imports ./decaf | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort -u

I also made a few minor changes to improve error messages if the C extensions couldn't be built or if the Python version is older than 2.7.