UCBAIR / decaf-release

Decaf is DEPRECATED! Please visit http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ for Caffe, the new framework that has all the good things: GPU computation, full train/test scripts, native C++, and an active community!
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unrecognized option -Wl #9

Closed jpfarias closed 8 years ago

jpfarias commented 9 years ago

Hi, when I run python setup.py build on both my mac and linux machines I get an error while compiling: unrecognized option: "-Wl"

I edited the file layers/cpp/Makefile and removed the -Wl from the linking options and it built and installed just fine. I am not sure what that option does but that is how I made it work for me.

Thank you!

Yangqing commented 8 years ago

(It is a lingering flag that should be removed... Changed. Probably no longer important as we've deprecated decaf for a while :))