UCBerkeleySETI / hyperseti

A SETI / technosignature search code to find intelligent life beyond Earth
10 stars 4 forks source link

Remove turbo_seti and blimpy as dependencies #102

Closed telegraphic closed 1 year ago

telegraphic commented 1 year ago

While comparison with turbo_seti is useful, it adds dask and numba to the stack along with their dependencies, totalling ~200 MB.

Dask alone:

  Package                  Version  Build                 Channel                    Size

  + arrow-cpp               11.0.0  ha770c72_13_cpu       conda-forge/linux-64       31kB
  + aws-c-auth              0.6.26  hf365957_1            conda-forge/linux-64       96kB
  + aws-c-cal               0.5.21  h48707d8_2            conda-forge/linux-64       44kB
  + aws-c-common            0.8.14  h0b41bf4_0            conda-forge/linux-64      200kB
  + aws-c-compression       0.2.16  h03acc5a_5            conda-forge/linux-64       19kB
  + aws-c-event-stream      0.2.20  h00877a2_4            conda-forge/linux-64       54kB
  + aws-c-http               0.7.6  hf342b9f_0            conda-forge/linux-64      192kB
  + aws-c-io               0.13.19  h5b20300_3            conda-forge/linux-64      144kB
  + aws-c-mqtt               0.8.6  hc4349f7_12           conda-forge/linux-64      144kB
  + aws-c-s3                 0.2.7  h909e904_1            conda-forge/linux-64       76kB
  + aws-c-sdkutils           0.1.8  h03acc5a_0            conda-forge/linux-64       54kB
  + aws-checksums           0.1.14  h03acc5a_5            conda-forge/linux-64       50kB
  + aws-crt-cpp             0.19.8  hf7fbfca_12           conda-forge/linux-64      318kB
  + aws-sdk-cpp            1.10.57  h17c43bd_8            conda-forge/linux-64        4MB
  + bokeh                    2.4.3  pyhd8ed1ab_3          conda-forge/noarch         14MB
  + click                    8.1.3  unix_pyhd8ed1ab_2     conda-forge/noarch         76kB
  + cloudpickle              2.2.1  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch         28kB
  + cytoolz                 0.12.0  py311hd4cff14_1       conda-forge/linux-64      426kB
  + dask                  2023.3.2  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch          7kB
  + dask-core             2023.3.2  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch        842kB
  + distributed         2023.3.2.1  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch        759kB
  + freetype                2.12.1  hca18f0e_1            conda-forge/linux-64      626kB
  + fsspec                2023.4.0  pyh1a96a4e_0          conda-forge/noarch        111kB
  + gflags                   2.2.2  he1b5a44_1004         conda-forge/linux-64      117kB
  + glog                     0.6.0  h6f12383_0            conda-forge/linux-64      114kB
  + heapdict                 1.0.1  py_0                  conda-forge/noarch          7kB
  + lcms2                     2.15  haa2dc70_1            conda-forge/linux-64      242kB
  + lerc                     4.0.0  h27087fc_0            conda-forge/linux-64      282kB
  + libabseil           20230125.0  cxx17_hcb278e6_1      conda-forge/linux-64        1MB
  + libarrow                11.0.0  h93537a5_13_cpu       conda-forge/linux-64       27MB
  + libbrotlicommon          1.0.9  h166bdaf_8            conda-forge/linux-64       67kB
  + libbrotlidec             1.0.9  h166bdaf_8            conda-forge/linux-64       34kB
  + libbrotlienc             1.0.9  h166bdaf_8            conda-forge/linux-64      295kB
  + libcrc32c                1.1.2  h9c3ff4c_0            conda-forge/linux-64       20kB
  + libdeflate                1.18  h0b41bf4_0            conda-forge/linux-64       65kB
  + libevent                2.1.10  h28343ad_4            conda-forge/linux-64        1MB
  + libgoogle-cloud          2.8.0  h0bc5f78_1            conda-forge/linux-64       38MB
  + libgrpc                 1.52.1  hcf146ea_1            conda-forge/linux-64        6MB
  + libjpeg-turbo  h0b41bf4_0            conda-forge/linux-64      491kB
  + libnuma                 2.0.16  h0b41bf4_1            conda-forge/linux-64       41kB
  + libpng                  1.6.39  h753d276_0            conda-forge/linux-64      283kB
  + libprotobuf            3.21.12  h3eb15da_0            conda-forge/linux-64        2MB
  + libthrift               0.18.1  h5e4af38_0            conda-forge/linux-64        4MB
  + libtiff                  4.5.0  ha587672_6            conda-forge/linux-64      407kB
  + libutf8proc              2.8.0  h166bdaf_0            conda-forge/linux-64      101kB
  + libwebp-base             1.3.0  h0b41bf4_0            conda-forge/linux-64      357kB
  + libxcb                    1.13  h7f98852_1004         conda-forge/linux-64      400kB
  + locket                   1.0.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch          8kB
  + lz4                      4.3.2  py311h9f220a4_0       conda-forge/linux-64       39kB
  + lz4-c                    1.9.4  hcb278e6_0            conda-forge/linux-64     Cached
  + msgpack-python           1.0.5  py311ha3edf6b_0       conda-forge/linux-64       92kB
  + openjpeg                 2.5.0  hfec8fc6_2            conda-forge/linux-64      352kB
  + orc                      1.8.3  hfdbbad2_0            conda-forge/linux-64      909kB
  + parquet-cpp              1.5.1  2                     conda-forge/noarch          3kB
  + partd                    1.3.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch         19kB
  + pillow                   9.5.0  py311h573f0d3_0       conda-forge/linux-64       47MB
  + pthread-stubs              0.4  h36c2ea0_1001         conda-forge/linux-64        6kB
  + pyarrow                 11.0.0  py311hbdf6286_13_cpu  conda-forge/linux-64        4MB
  + re2                 2023.02.02  hcb278e6_0            conda-forge/linux-64      201kB
  + s2n                     1.3.41  h3358134_0            conda-forge/linux-64      362kB
  + snappy                  1.1.10  h9fff704_0            conda-forge/linux-64       39kB
  + sortedcontainers         2.4.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch         26kB
  + tblib                    1.7.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch         15kB
  + toolz                   0.12.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch       Cached
  + ucx                     1.14.0  h538f049_0            conda-forge/linux-64       12MB
  + xorg-libxau              1.0.9  h7f98852_0            conda-forge/linux-64       13kB
  + xorg-libxdmcp            1.1.3  h7f98852_0            conda-forge/linux-64       19kB
  + zict                     2.2.0  pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge/noarch         20kB
  + zlib                    1.2.13  h166bdaf_4            conda-forge/linux-64       94kB


  Install: 69 packages

  Total download: 169MB