UCBerkeleySETI / rawspec

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Guppi RAW output #69

Open radonnachie opened 2 years ago

radonnachie commented 2 years ago


Adds -k option, which specifies RAW output file. In this mode the Npolout must be inferred from the input. Complex Float32 values are written out. So this doubles up on the DATATYPE=FLOAT specification introduced in #58.

The comparison of the input to the output has been verified for the following operations, using the further following script.

Note that this script will only really work for accumulation and FFT operations that can occur within a block, and that it further only verifies one block!

using Printf
using FFTW
using Blio: GuppiRaw

struct Result
  message::Union{String, Nothing}

function _fft(guppidata, points)
  data = reshape(guppidata, (size(guppidata, 1), points, :, size(guppidata)[3:end]...))
  # [pol, fine_spec, time, coarse_chan, antenna]
  spectra = fft(data, 2)
  # [pol, fine_chan, time, antenna]
  spectra = cat((spectra[:, :, :, i, :] for i in 1:size(spectra,4))..., dims=2)
  # [pol, time, fine_chan, antenna]
  return permutedims(spectra, [1,3,2,4])

function accumulate(guppidata, samples)
  data = reshape(guppidata, (size(guppidata, 1), samples, :, size(guppidata)[3:end]...))
  acc = sum(data, dims=2)
  return reshape(acc, (size(guppidata, 1), :, size(guppidata)[3:end]...))

function mapToFloat(value::Integer, type::Type)
  return value < 0 ? -1.0*(value / typemin(type)) : value / typemax(type)

function mapToFloat(value::Complex{<:Integer}, type::Type)
  return complex(mapToFloat(real(value), real(type)), mapToFloat(imag(value), real(type)))

function compare(i_data, o_data, atol=0.01)::Result
  if size(i_data) != size(o_data)
    return Result(@sprintf("Shape mismatch: %s != %s", size(i_data), size(o_data)), false)
  dims_correct = Array{Bool}(undef, size(i_data)[2:end])
  for i in CartesianIndices(dims_correct)
    dims_correct[i] = all(isapprox.(real(i_data[:, i]), real(o_data[:, i]), atol=atol)) && all(isapprox.(imag(i_data[:, i]), imag(o_data[:, i]), atol=atol))
    if !dims_correct[i]
      return Result(@sprintf("Pol data mismatch @ %s: %s != %s\n\t(atol: %s)", i, i_data[:, i], o_data[:, i], i_data[:, i] - o_data[:, i]), false)

  Result(nothing, all(dims_correct))

i_grheader = GuppiRaw.Header()
o_grheader = GuppiRaw.Header()

i_fio = open("/mnt/buf0/synth.0000.raw", "r")
o_fio = open("/mnt/buf0/synth.rawspec.0000.raw", "r")

  read!(i_fio, i_grheader)
  i_data = Array(i_grheader)
  read!(i_fio, i_data)
  i_data = mapToFloat.(i_data, eltype(i_data))

  read!(o_fio, o_grheader)
  o_data = Array(o_grheader)
  read!(o_fio, o_data)

  fftpoints = div(size(o_data, 3), size(i_data, 3))
  accumulation = div(div(size(i_data, 2), size(o_data, 2)), fftpoints)

  upchannelized = _fft(i_data, fftpoints)
  accum_fine = accumulate(upchannelized, accumulation)

  atol = 0.015 * log2(fftpoints) * accumulation

  println(compare(accum_fine, o_data, atol))

radonnachie commented 2 years ago

One thing to do before opening it up for review is to speed up the file-dump. I plan to do this by transforming the h_pwr_buf contents to match the GUPPI RAW [chan, time, pol] dimensionality, as opposed to the typical filterbank [spectra, pol, chan].