UCBerkeleySETI / rawspec

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rawspec failing on ATA_guppi_59730_78085_225768981_J0332+5434_off_0001-beam0000 #70

Closed texadactyl closed 2 years ago

texadactyl commented 2 years ago
rawspec  -f 1 -t 32    -g 3  -d .  /mnt_blpd20/scratch/rawspec_testing/baseline//ATA_guppi_59730_78085_225768981_J0332+5434_off_0001-beam0000
rawspec 3.1.1+11@g188981a using librawspec 3.1.1+11@g188981a and cuFFT
using requested GPU: 3
writing output files in SIGPROC Filterbank format
working stem: /mnt_blpd20/scratch/rawspec_testing/baseline//ATA_guppi_59730_78085_225768981_J0332+5434_off_0001-beam0000
opening file: /mnt_blpd20/scratch/rawspec_testing/baseline//ATA_guppi_59730_78085_225768981_J0332+5434_off_0001-beam0000.0000.raw
bad obsnchan/nants: 192 % 20 != 0
output product 0: 0 spectra

It must be one of the 2 commits after June 1st because regression testing was successful that day. See https://github.com/UCBerkeleySETI/rawspec/commits/master

@radonnachie Is this file no longer valid? I got it from you: https://github.com/UCBerkeleySETI/rawspec_testing/commit/9a36ae2ce6413d5147b274b0f9d7518f04a335c1

texadactyl commented 2 years ago

@wfarah I have tried to assign @radonnachie but he does not appear in the assignee list (?). Basically, it seems like a file that Ross gave me is no longer valid because obsnchan/nants: 192 % 20 != 0. Maybe we can replace this file?

radonnachie commented 2 years ago

Yeah it is invalid because it required the NBEAMS override of NANTS that I've recently redacted from #58. The NANTS value in this beam file should be 1.

texadactyl commented 2 years ago

@radonnachie Is a replacement available?

radonnachie commented 2 years ago

I have just run rsync -av /mnt/buf1/blade/GUPPI/./guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0000.raw rsync://blpd18.ssl.berkeley.edu/datax/ and manually inspected it to have NANTS=1, NBEAM=2 and BEAM_ID=1.

Prior to that I transferred rsync -av /mnt/buf0/blade/GUPPI/./guppi_59811_38073_118274414_AzEl_0001-beam0000.0001.raw rsync://blpd18.ssl.berkeley.edu/datax/, which has NANTS=1 and NBEAMS=1, so I'd ask you to discard it please (I've yet to actually log in to the Berkeley servers.

texadactyl commented 2 years ago

@radonnachie Downloaded:

rsync -v rsync://blpd18.ssl.berkeley.edu/datax/guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0000.raw .

sent 43 bytes  received 8,525,911,930 bytes  215,845,872.73 bytes/sec
total size is 8,523,830,784  speedup is 1.00

Prepended "ATA_" to file name. Tried to use it:

rawspec  -f 1 -t 32  -j  -g 3  -d .  ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001
rawspec 3.1.1+11@g188981a-dirty using librawspec 3.1.1+11@g188981a-dirty and cuFFT
using requested GPU: 3
writing output files in FBH5 format
working stem: ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001
opening file: ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0000.raw
Number of spectra per dump (Nd) = 256
Number of fine channels per coarse channel (nfpc) = 1
Chunk dimensions = (256, 1, 1)
Cache nslots = 257, nbytes = 196609
 BLOCSIZE not found in header
error getting obs params from ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0000.raw [No such file or directory]
opening file: ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0001.raw [No such file or directory]
output product 0: 1536 spectra

"BLOCSIZE not found in header"?

watutil -i ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.rawspec.0000.h5

--- File Info ---
DIMENSION_LABELS : [b'time' b'feed_id' b'frequency']
        az_start :                              0.0
       data_type :                                1
            fch1 :                       6240.0 MHz
            foff :                          0.5 MHz
           ibeam :                                1
      machine_id :                               20
          nbeams :                                1
           nbits :                               32
          nchans :                              192
            nfpc :                                1
            nifs :                                1
     rawdatafile : ATA_guppi_59811_38723_118314086_AzEl_0001-beam0001.0000.raw
     source_name :                             AzEl
         src_dej :                    67:15:07.0502
         src_raj :                    12:33:08.4039
    telescope_id :                                9
           tsamp :                          6.4e-05
   tstart (ISOT) :          2022-08-20T10:45:23.000
    tstart (MJD) :                59811.44818287037
        za_start :                              0.0

Num ints in file :                             1536
      File shape :                   (1536, 1, 192)
--- Selection Info ---
Data selection shape :                   (1536, 1, 192)
Minimum freq (MHz) :                           6240.0
Maximum freq (MHz) :                           6335.5

nfpc=1? Number of fine channels per coarse channel = FFT length = 1? This bothered me with the previous file too. How could dedoppler search a coarse channel of width 1? Of course, for this testing, we are not doing dedoppler searching.

How does that Waterfall info display look to you other than the nfpc value?

texadactyl commented 2 years ago

@radonnachie Was my rawspec -f value wrong? How about the -t value? I was using the same values that you recommended for the previous file (ATA_guppi_59730_78085_225768981_J0332+5434_off_0001-beam0000) which is now discarded.

texadactyl commented 2 years ago

@radonnachie The new file successfully replaces the old one in rawspec_testing. I will try out the floating_point PR now that this is resolved.

radonnachie commented 2 years ago

The waterfall header-info displayed looks good to me. The nfpc is surely the result of -f, as you said the FFT length. In reality we'd probably really want to get to 1 Hz wide fine channels, so -f 524288. That would require much more coarse time though, for even a single fine-spectra output. It seems I only provided you with 32*1536=49152 time samples. Thanks @texadactyl!