UCCS-CS4300-5300 / group1-spring2024

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Temperature Based Outfit Generation Per Data Set (Temp, Humidity, Wind) #38

Open LoganZeien opened 7 months ago

LoganZeien commented 7 months ago

As a fashion fan, I want a button that generates an outfit based on the current weather conditions for a specified set of parameters (temp, humidity, wind) so that I know what to wear in that instance. This feature is a stepping stone to get what the customer truly wants, which is dynamic outfit generation over the course of the day.


  1. Database Setup: Create models for clothing items with fields for type (hat, shirt, etc.), heat index range, and waterproof rating.
  2. User Input Form: Implement a form in Django to collect user inputs for tolerance, and activity level.
  3. Formula Calculation: Calculate the effective clothing required based on the heat index and wind chill based on user inputs and the current stored temperature settings in the Weather model.
    • Comfort = {HI, T > 75, WC, T <= 75} - TOLERANCE_offset + WORKING_offset
    • HI = 0.5 {T + 61.0 + [(T-68.0)1.2] + (RH*0.094)}
    • WC = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75v^{0.16} + 0.4275Tv^{0.16}, where v is the wind speed in MPH
  4. Clothing Recommendation Logic: Query the database for clothing items whose heat index range is within the calculated heat index and pick the first one.
  5. Display Recommendations: Display the recommended clothes to the user.

Acceptance Criteria