User Story: As a user who found a cool new restaurant, so that other people may find it, I want to add a restaurant/store to the “foodie joint” app.
Description: Once signed in and in the application, the user will be able to add a store/restaurant to the app. The information required for a location is the name, an image, the address, and description of the location. Once all information is inputted then the user will click submit.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given that I am signed into the application,
When I input all required information and click submit,
Then the location will successfully be added to the app.
Given that I am not signed into the application,
When I try to click the button to add a new location,
The the app will prompt me to sign in before allowing me to continue.
Given that I am signed into the application,
When I do not input all required information into the new location and click submit,
Then the application will prompt me to reinput the information.
User Story: As a user who found a cool new restaurant, so that other people may find it, I want to add a restaurant/store to the “foodie joint” app.
Description: Once signed in and in the application, the user will be able to add a store/restaurant to the app. The information required for a location is the name, an image, the address, and description of the location. Once all information is inputted then the user will click submit.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given that I am signed into the application, When I input all required information and click submit, Then the location will successfully be added to the app.
Given that I am not signed into the application, When I try to click the button to add a new location, The the app will prompt me to sign in before allowing me to continue.
Given that I am signed into the application, When I do not input all required information into the new location and click submit, Then the application will prompt me to reinput the information.