UCCS-CS4300-5300 / group6-spring2024

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Feature 9: Filter between Stores and Restaurants #4

Open ghost opened 7 months ago

ghost commented 7 months ago

User Story: As a user, so that I can look for store/restaurant locations near me, I want to be able to filter whether I find a store or a restaurant in my area.

Description: When looking at the list of locations, a user should be able to toggle between viewing all locations, just restaurants, or just stores. This will be done through toggleable buttons for filtering to just locations or just stores. When both are off then all locations will be shown, and when both are on the all locations will also be shown.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that I have not toggled wither button, When I view the list of locations, Then I should see all locations.

Given that I have toggled "only stores", When I view the list of locations, Then I should only see "store" locations.

Given that I have toggled "only restaurants", When I view the list of location, Then I should only see "restaurant" locations.

Given the I have toggled both buttons, When I view the list of locations, Then I should see all locations.

tcarroll64 commented 6 months ago

Don't think this is necessary since you can click on stores/restaurants tabs in navbar to exclusively show stores OR restaurants. To view all stores and restaurants you can navigate to "/nearby" (as of 3/11).