As a user,
So that I can understand my mental health trends and receive actionable advice,
I want the app to analyze my inputs over the week, plot mood levels, and provide personalized recommendations to improve my mood and mental health.
Longer Story Description
The Weekly Mood Analysis feature processes user inputs on mood, sleep quality, water intake, diet, and substance use collected over the week. It analyzes these data points to identify trends and patterns in the user's mental health. The app then plots these mood levels over time and generates personalized recommendations aimed at improving the user's mood and mental health based on their specific inputs.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Scenario: Identify significant trends
As an existing user,
I navigate to the trends tab,
so that I can see any significant trends, such as consistent mood changes or correlations,
And I should receive notifications or messages of recommendations for that particular trend
[ ] Scenario: Mood Level Plotting
As an existing user,
I navigate to the trends tab,
so that I can see my significant trends,
And I should see specific details about that trend,
And I should be able to hover over data points for more details on those specific days
User Story
As a user, So that I can understand my mental health trends and receive actionable advice, I want the app to analyze my inputs over the week, plot mood levels, and provide personalized recommendations to improve my mood and mental health.
Longer Story Description
The Weekly Mood Analysis feature processes user inputs on mood, sleep quality, water intake, diet, and substance use collected over the week. It analyzes these data points to identify trends and patterns in the user's mental health. The app then plots these mood levels over time and generates personalized recommendations aimed at improving the user's mood and mental health based on their specific inputs.
Acceptance criteria
As an existing user, I navigate to the trends tab, so that I can see any significant trends, such as consistent mood changes or correlations, And I should receive notifications or messages of recommendations for that particular trend
As an existing user, I navigate to the trends tab, so that I can see my significant trends, And I should see specific details about that trend, And I should be able to hover over data points for more details on those specific days