UCCS-CS4300-5300 / group7-spring2024

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Feature: Secure Data Sharing and Therapist Settings #4

Open jbraitsch opened 6 months ago

jbraitsch commented 6 months ago

User Story

As a user concerned about my privacy, So that my data is used responsibly and beneficially, I want to have control over my data, with an option to securely share my mental health reports with my therapist or medical professional upon request.

Longer Story Description

The Secure Data Sharing feature enables users to manage and control the sharing of their mental health data, including mood tracking and analysis reports, with their therapists or medical professionals. It focuses on ensuring user privacy and data security, offering a straightforward and secure process for users to grant access to their reports upon request.

Acceptance Criteria

As an existing user, I can navigate to the settings tab, And I checkmark the "Therapist Email Option" And I should see selectable specific data points or time ranges to include in the report, And I click the "save" button And I should see the settings tab

As an existing user, And I am on the settings tab, And I then on the Therapist Email Option window, I click the "Save " button And I see an error message of an unavailable contact info Then I should see the option to update Therapist contact information, And I should see a success message indication valid contact information,

jbraitsch commented 6 months ago