UCCS-CS4300-5300 / group7-spring2024

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Feature: Substance Abuse Tracking #5

Open jbraitsch opened 7 months ago

jbraitsch commented 7 months ago

User Story

As a user trying to manage or recover from substance abuse, So that I can monitor my progress and get motivated, I want to track my substance use in the app and view a chart of my usage over time, including a sober count with positive reinforcement quotes.

Longer Story Description

Substance Abuse Tracking allows users to track their progress of substance abuse. This feature is intended to help people who use substances to wean off them and reward them when good progress happens. Showing a chart lets the user see whether they are getting off the substance well. Sober counts and positive reinforcement quotes provide an incentive for users to get off substances that are harmful.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN: The user is on their profile and logged in.

WHEN: I navigate to the substance abuse tab

THEN: Substance abuse chart will show up along with substance count

AND: I should see positive quotes at the top of the chart.

GIVEN: The user is on the Substance Abuse Tab

WHEN: I click on the substance abuse counter

THEN: I see a reset counter or +1 button

WHEN: I click on +1,

THEN: the substance abuse counter increases by a day.

AND: Chart is updated.

AND: Positive Quote pops up.

GIVEN: The user is on the Substance Abuse Tab

WHEN: I click on the substance abuse counter

THEN: I see a reset counter or +1 button

WHEN: I click reset counter,

THEN: the substance abuse counter resets

AND: Chart dips to zero, but does not reset.