UCCS-CS4300-5300 / group7-spring2024

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Feature: Mood Calendar #6

Closed jbraitsch closed 5 months ago

jbraitsch commented 7 months ago

User Story

As a user, So that I can visually understand my mood patterns, I want to view a monthly calendar with days color-coded based on my mood and the ability to click on any day for detailed insights.

Longer Story Description

The monthly calendar is a user-friendly feature where the user can see color-coded days. These colors signify the recorded moods of the user. The user records their mood on the app, which is updated on the calendar. When the user clicks on a specific day, they will be presented with a detailed description of that specific day.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN: The user is logged in and is on the mood calendar

WHEN: The user clicks on their day

THEN: they are presented with their emoji, color, description

GIVEN: I want to review my past mood patterns WHEN: I navigate to a previous month on the calendar THEN: I should see the days color-coded based on my moods logged for that month