UCDavisLibrary / ava

American Viticultural Areas
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Re-Check Cienega Valley #907

Closed MicheleTobias closed 6 months ago

MicheleTobias commented 1 year ago

The southeast corner of Cienega Valley has a description that previous digitizers (myself included) have interpreted as a self-intersecting polygon that looks like an hourglass. Please check this boundary again to make sure it has been interpreted correctly. If it has, do not change the polygon - it's been designed to maintain the shape without actually creating a self-intersection. If this shape isn't correct, please update the polygon.

MeyaSaenzZagar commented 6 months ago

I will be checking AVA.

MeyaSaenzZagar commented 6 months ago

I checked this AVA and it does not need any edits.