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Authorization Commands #2

Open qjhart opened 6 years ago

qjhart commented 6 years ago


There are two major authorization commands acl and auth. acl creates new webac:acl sets, and associates them with containers. auth allows users to see and modify access to an existing acl. We expect that acl is not used often, but auth is.


Be design the acl command is not well integrated into the other tooling. That's because we want users to have to think about using it.

There are three main methods for the acl command, create, list, delete. The

acl show --full dir
acl add --acl=[aclname] --create --(no-)defaults [dirs]
acl del [dirs]
acl dirs --acl=[aclname] [-r] [--auth] [dirnames]

acl show

This command will list the webac:Acl that is in effect for the passed directory. If [dir] is unspecified, then the CWD is used.

Note, that the webac specification includes the ACL in the HEAD of any request. So, except of the ---dir-entry command, we can simply interrogates that header. The verbose just ls the ACL file.

for --dir-entry, recursively follow the parent until we actually find the directory that has the '<> acl:accessControl ?c' specified.

acl show  .
acl show --full .

acl add

This adds an ACL to a set of [dirs]. If [dirs] is not specified use the CWD. You can specify the name of the acl either with --acl or with --acl=dirname. Using --acl uses the default of the first [dir] followed by the ''/.acl". If another acl:accessControl exists,it will be replaced. If no --acl is specified, then this is an error.

# Most Common format add acl to PWD
acl add --create --acl .
# No dir = ./
# Success Equivalant to
mkdir  -a webac:Acl .acl
# These are the --default commands
auth --name=quinn-rw --agent=user:quinn --mode=Read,Write --dir=.
auth --name=Agent-r --agent=acl:Agent --mode=Read --dir=.
# This is the step to Add
patch -d $dir --delete-where "<> acl:accessControl ?c ."
patch -d $dir --insert "<> acl:AccessControl $acl ."

The following example uses a non-standard location for the ACL component. The first time the command fails since the locations specified is not a webac:Acl. The second command succeeds.

mkdir bar
acl --acl=$myacl $dir  #  Fails since bar is not an webac:Acl
acl --create --acl=$myacl $dir
# Sucess Equivalent to ...
mkdir $myacl
patch -d $myacl --insert "<> a webac:Acl" 
patch -d $dir --delete-where "<> acl:accessControl ?c ."
patch -d $dir --insert "<> acl:AccessControl $acl"

acl rm

Deletes a webac:acl from the specified [dirs]. If --acl is specified then uses -acl=.url. If --acl is not specified at all removes all webac:Acl parameters.

acl rm . foo
# Success equivalent to 
patch -d . --delete-where '<> webAcl ?c .'
patch -d foo --delete-where '<> webAcl ?c .'

acl --acl=.url rm foo
# Success! equivalant to 
patch -d foo --delete-where '<> webac:Acl </fully/qualitifed/path/to/.url> .'

acl dirs

This command will show all the directories that are using the specified --acl=aclname. If --acl is not specified, or doesn't include a aclname, then use `./.acl. If dirs are specified, then only look at that containers. Results are relative unless the --full option is included.

acl dirs --full --acl=../.url foo bar
# Succsss

Including the -r flag scans down from a the passed [dirnames]

acl dirs -r --acl=../.url .
# Success!

Including the -auth flag looks at every accessTo parameters in every Auth, and returns those with have this ACL set for them.

acl dirs --auth . 

acl delete

This deletes an existing webac:acl Container. The command first checks every accessTo record for every Auth, and if any of them have this as the specified webac:Acl, then the command fails or removes that command if the --force command is in place. if unspecified or specified with --acl, then the path./.acl is used.

acl add --acl=.acl bar/baz
acl delete --acl
# Fails, The ACL is in use
acl delete --force --acl
# Success.. Equivalent to 
patch --d bar/baz --delete-where '<> acl:accessControl </full/path/to/.acl>.'
rm .acl


The auth command allows users to specify and interrogate webac:Authorizations from the command line.

auth --full --dir=[dirname] acl

Displays the webac:Acl used for the specified directory.

This is equivalent to the command acl show [options] [dirname]

auth show [authnames]

Display the information from the passed [authnames] used in the acl specified by --dir=dirname.

You cannot specify a --dir and --acl at the same time. Will fail. If no authnames are included then show those that match the specified [dirname] or all if --all is specified, or if -acl is specified.

>auth show 

>auth show --verbose quinn-w
# Shows the complete quinn authorization 

auth add [--options] [authname]

Adds a new Authorization.

auth add --agent=user:quinn,user:jrmerz --to=foo,/fcrepo/rest/collection/bff bff

auth update [--options] [authnames]

Updates existing Authorizations

If multiple auths are included, then the process acts on all of them

auth update --delagent=user:jrmerz,user:kimmy bff admins friends
# Success .. Equivalant to 
$acl=`auth acl .`
patch -d $acl/bff --delete-where '<> acl:agent user:jrmerz; <> acl:agent user:kimmy'
patch -d $acl/admins  --delete-where '<> acl:agent user:jrmerz; <> acl:agent user:kimmy'
patch -d $acl/friends --delete-where '<> acl:agent user:jrmerz; <> acl:agent user:kimmy'

auth rm [authnames]

Removes and authorization(s) by name.

auth rm bff
# Success! Equivalent to
$acl=`auth acl .`
rm $acl/bff