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Exhibits Adjustments #187

Closed wrenaria closed 1 year ago

wrenaria commented 2 years ago

1: Location/Date Header Spacing

Too much space between them. I dropped the 0.7 margin to 0.25 and it looks pretty good. Current: 0.75 Preferred: 0.25
Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 17 20 PM Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 17 42 PM

2: Department name displayed too small on exhibit credit

Currently displayed at h6 size, but it should be h5 / 1.207rem

Current Preferred
Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 40 28 PM Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 40 16 PM

3: Next/Previous Button Layout

My original design was pretty basic, but I'd rather do something similar to what is on Strategic Plan pages to provide a clearer visual separation between content and page navigation.

Keep the solid yellow + chevrons you have in lieu of the "prev" "next" text on my linked example though (I just am unable to replicate that using regular buttons on other pages so text is my best option on the Strategy pages).


4: Title size on Exhibits Highlights/Hero Banner is too big

Title text is too big. So big it's kind of hard to read. Any idea why em and not rem?

Playing in inspector, 1 em looks better on desktop sizes, but then is really small on mobile sizes. 2.5 rem looks alright at all sizes.

I like the text size of location and date on Exhibit Highlights. Can we change Hero Banners to have the same text rules as Exhibit Previews? Right now, Hero Banners are only used for Exhibits landing page, so it would be nice for them to match stylistically.

5: Hide deeper level subpages from Exhibit Subnav

Sometimes I need a deeper level child in a multipage exhibit but I don't want it to display in the Exhibit subnav. For example, on the Centennial exhibit, I need to link to a page with more info about something, like this CK Ogden Library page:

Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 45 20 PM

I want it to be a exhibit subpage so that it displays the exhibit's primary subnav on the page and isn't considered a lone exhibit, but I don't want it to show up as a child page in the subnav:

Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 12 47 47 PM

The easiest solution to this is probably to disable display of child pages altogether, which is something I am fine with doing for exhibits. They should favor simple navigation generally anyway.

spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago

these changes are all on stage

wrenaria commented 1 year ago

This looks good except that the hero banners the title and description text are appearing close to the same size on desktop and too disparate on small screens (description is teeny on a phone -- em vs rem issue, I assume).

For hero banners can we have description text at 1.6rem text with 1.2 line-height and 0.5rem top margin, that would be better for this context.


Desktop (left is current, right is preferred)

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 8 58 11 AM

Mobile (left current, right preferred)

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 9 03 58 AM

wrenaria commented 1 year ago

As follow-up to our zoom chat --- here are two three (sorry, I see another) other issues to resolve in addition to the one above:

Issue: Location Info on Exhibits

For online exhibits that had a past physical component in the past, don't display the physical information at the top. The little blurb in the sidebar covers the past physical display info. Mixed online and physical exhibits should only show the date in the main body area until the end date has past, then shift the info to the exhibit credit box.


Show location/date info on:

Do not show location/date info on:

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Issue: Brand color options for Exhibits

In order to maintain text accessibility, the brand colors available for Exhibits should be the same as the ones used in Exhibit Highlights and Hero Banner blocks.

I also do not want the color in the title bar to change on Exhibits when you set a brand color since the darker palette does not reflect the rest of the site's go-to accent colors.

Issue: Exhibit location map?

Originally we planned to show a location map in the sidebar of only active/not expired physical exhibits. Does that feature exist and if so where/how do I update the image/text content for it?

Example in this XD file: https://xd.adobe.com/view/b654c7fd-95bc-44b8-b13a-e1aa72567e96-e307/screen/36054c61-220d-4f9b-8b1b-6cc130a5d972/

This item isn't super critical if it doesn't exist and there's no time to add it; it can get added to the post-launch enhancements list.

wrenaria commented 1 year ago

The Excerpt field is missing from Exhibit page settings. Since excerpts show on Online Exhibits page, I need access to be able to customize them.

spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago

These changes are on stage.

The location map can be uploaded in the exhibit metadata section: image

I have uploaded an example to the dog exhibit: https://stage.library.ucdavis.edu/exhibit/fleetfield-gallery-dog-art-display/

wrenaria commented 1 year ago

Sorry, slow to get to this because of being low on my priority list for content deadlines. Plenty of time to look now that we're in tech/content freeze, ha, so here's some post-launch adjustments to make.

In regards to Exhibit Location Map update:

If it's tied to exhibit metadata, doesn't that mean you have to associate an exhibit map every time there's a new exhibit? But exhibit locations are a fixed list, so the locations are consistent (and thus so are their maps). I expected that I'd upload a map for each fixed exhibit location and a content creator wouldn't need to do anything on their end beside pick a location from the list like usual.

Other Things

One More Location/Date Header Spacing Adjustment

The closer together date/location looks great, but seems like we also lost space between it and body content. There needs to be more separation there.

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Location Info on Exhibit Highlights

These need to follow similar rules as exhibits do. I don't want to see dates on online exhibits that have a past physical exhibit, they should just say "online exhibit" like Picnic Day does below otherwise we get this weird mix in the featured area of the online exhibits page with potentially really old dates.

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Need a free text option for curators

To support crediting names of former employees for their work or guest curators outside of the library staff.

Add a URL option to Curator Organization info

So the Department name can link to department's page. Displays text style doesn't need to change, we'll treat it like a teaser title.

spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago

where should the curation notes display? In this widget, below the curated by? image And how should they be styled?

spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago


location map

Sorry, I was under the impression that these were on an exhibit-level. I added an image upload and text field to each exhibit location taxonomy term for a map and directions:


and in action: https://sandbox.library.ucdavis.edu/exhibit/democracy-by-participation-the-life-and-legacy-of-cruz-reynoso/

One More Location/Date Header Spacing Adjustment

1.5rem spacing applied: https://sandbox.library.ucdavis.edu/exhibit/democracy-by-participation-the-life-and-legacy-of-cruz-reynoso/

Location Info on Exhibit Highlights

Dates/location are only displayed for current exhibits: https://sandbox.library.ucdavis.edu/exhibits/online-exhibits/ https://sandbox.library.ucdavis.edu/exhibits/exhibits-in-the-library/

Need a free text option for curators

See my question above. Sorry, forgot to ping you in the comment.

Add a URL option to Curator Organization info

There is now a link field on each curator organization taxonomy term: image

wrenaria commented 1 year ago

Curator Organization info

Please add same underline mouseover effect that teasers have for this item as a link indicator to maintain experience consistency for desktop users.

Curation Notes / Non-Library Employee Curator

While it would also be nice to display curation notes (something I missed on some exhibits initially and have incorporated below) this request was actually about the name of the human who put together the exhibit (curator). Some exhibits have guest curators from outside of UC Davis so they do not have profiles on our website, others worked for us on the past are no longer with us (but still deserve credit for their work).

Right now, I do not have a way to add a curator without linking to an existing profile. This is also true of news post authors. We need a way to do this for both of these areas of the website. Authorship/curatorship is an important part of people's resumes/work history for these items.

Examples of how this should display for various circumstances (note that I have also changed names to being bold in this design adjustment to help unlinked names pop more):


I am happy to discuss our options for this need further in our dev meeting or separate zoom meeting if that would be helpful.

Everything else on sandbox

Looks good! Thank you!

spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago
spelkey-ucd commented 1 year ago

Past employee removal is own issue: UCDavisLibrary/main-wp-website#76