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"Section" block editor UX issues and functionality questions #290

Open wrenaria opened 3 weeks ago

wrenaria commented 3 weeks ago

I have some questions and UX concerns related to the new "Section" content block --

Functionality questions

  1. Section with gutter set to "none" has extra space underneath it. Gutter "normal" and "narrow" do not. Is this intentional? If so why?
  2. What does "apply dark-background class" do? I tried it on every block color in the editor and saw zero visual changes.
  3. Is using "object boxes" and "spacers" currently best practice to adjusting the space around the content within this new block when you need to add some?
  4. Maybe it doesn't matter because it's not intended use and I hope no one actually tries this in a normal content area, but the section at "full" width leaves a gap on the right when used in the content section that includes a sidebar. Is this intentional behavior?

Editor UX

  1. Section with the gutter set to "none" is going to be our most used version of this block, can that be set as the default?
  2. Nevermind this one, I forgot to try it on headers. I still think the label is not super intuitive. Maybe "Force default text color" ? I will give it more thought. As far as I can tell, "disable forced contrast" just forces black text. If this is the case, can you relabel the tooltip to read "force black text" ? "Forced contrast" isn't going to mean anything to a content creator.
  3. When you apply a background image, the color options move from the local block editing menu to the sidebar. This is pretty confusing UX when controls for the same type of function (in this case color change) change location within the same block while you are working on it. Is it possible to standardize the placement of same-type controls for this block or is this a forced limitation of WP?
  4. The naming of the gutters is not intuitive. The gutters are the space to the left and right of the content area, correct? But the "narrow" gutter is visually wider than the "normal" gutter, so what you see does not align with the label. Can the label be changed to from "narrow" to "wide" ?
  5. I'm not sure what the "disabled force contrast" button is for once you apply background image, since text color is also controlled in a dropdown in the sidebar once an image is present. Will it cause a problem if an editor changes the text controls in both places? This is another confusing consistency issue for the editing controls.

There are some examples of "Section" set up at the bottom of this Stage page: https://stage.library.ucdavis.edu/june-24-new-content-types/