UCDavisLibrary / wine-ontology

A project to define an RDF style ontology for wines and the wine-industry
MIT License
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Collect existing wine ontologies #4

Open qjhart opened 7 years ago

qjhart commented 7 years ago

First step we need to collect some existing ontologies. I've looked over [Swoogle] for any ontologies related to wines and wineries, as well as some other searches.

Open Wines is a site for developing some open resources for wines and winemakers. They also have some publishing materials in place for visualizing wines. Their tools are located in a Open Wines Github repository. They have started discussion of making a winemaker for [schema.org], which is fairly limited. They also have some tools using Open Street Maps for vineyards, which is a pretty good idea, and one we should consider for AOCs.

It might also be worthwhile to investigate the freebase dump, just to see if they ever added in an wine data. The last dump was around 2013. That would be painful to deal with.

[http://www.observatoire-viti-france.com/] is a site of France wine information, includes various regions and production.

It might also be worthwhile to investigate the freebase dump, just to see if they ever added in an wine data. The last dump was around 2013.

ddooley commented 5 years ago

Quite a nice paper: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/3779571244983/EFITAWCCA2005.pdf I am the lead curator for FoodOn, and today along with other students was adding wine terms requested by a FoodOn user, SciBite, but we haven't incorporated the level of modelling described in the paper. Its something we'd be attracted to seeing done. Not sure if you are thinking along the same lines?

siiraa commented 4 years ago

@qjhart (and hello @ddooley !) Hi I have been referring to wine.owl as a better-incentivizing ontology to get ontologist-in-development motivated (I, also, was one of those doing pizza.owl. Useful, but wine is more exciting for grown-ups). I am an organizing member of the EU Biohackathon (biohackathon-europe.org happening in Suburb Barcelona this year) and about to propose a topic on wine (ontology) tasting where I want to spend the AMs exploring the wine ontology (kind of a hands-on training for ontology), and in the PMs we taste some Spanish wines and see if the information in the ontology can actually be used to describe the taste profiles given by the connoisseur (also proposing to invite some local expert in for the evening). This has nothing to gain academically, purely for the personal sake of proving that wine ontology can be useful. I am also proposing to use a wine merchant website backend database to test the classification by using the ontology for indexing. This is driveng from a user's need e.g., filtering on wine merchant website doesn't get any deeper than red/white/sparkling, and region. So my hypothesis is that for bigger wine DB (e.g., those of big wine merchants), advanced filtering can be very helpful and can be driven by wine ontology indexing. So this could be a fun student project on data curation for those in data science field too.

Anyway, IF this gets accepted, was wondering if you'd be interested in joining us in Barcelona 9-13 November 2020? Not sure if we can offer any traveling fund, but thought it'd be nice to have the original wine ontology person there.

Thank you! Sira (Please feel free to e-mail me : sirarat.sarntivijai@elixir-europe.org)

siiraa commented 4 years ago

also @ddooley as you know, SciBite is our neighbor next door on the campus, maybe you and/or Jane Lomax might want to join me in this proposal? Would be fun, no? (i'm kinda guessing that Jane likes wine because she is fun)

ddooley commented 4 years ago

It would be fun no doubt - and challenging. (When I got Jane's list of 30+ wines/grape varieties, I checked on Wikipedia only to discover there were something like 900+ varieties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_grape_varieties). I should be involved - at least to coordinate any kind of output the workshop may have visa vis FoodOn. FoodOn made a few moves to define classes for regional affiliation, and certain types of wine. Q in my mind is whether a new team of volunteer curators want to focus on the wine domain into the future.

I'll note that the Portuguese author of that wine ontology paper I mentioned headed off to San Francisco to lead a language translation company that is doing quite well. I think the paper had some great content that should be included in the resource.

ddooley commented 4 years ago

I should mention we are having a 1 day workshop on Integrated Food Ontologies at ICBO 2020, sept 16th in Bolzano. If anyone wants to present wine ontology work there in advance of the biohackathon they will be more than welcome. Separate page coming soon, but for now its on https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/accepted-workshops/