UCF-CEN-5016 / sde-development-project-acv_trio

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As a Teaching Assistant (TA), I want to ensure that my role is accurately identified as a TA, distinct from an instructor, to provide clarity to students regarding who is providing assistance. #28

Open VamsiRagnar opened 6 months ago

VamsiRagnar commented 6 months ago

As a Teaching Assistant (TA), it is crucial to ensure that my role is accurately identified as distinct from that of an instructor. This distinction is essential to provide clarity to students regarding who is providing assistance in their learning journey.

Firstly, as a TA, I am there to support the instructor and help facilitate the learning process for students. While instructors are responsible for delivering course content and designing assessments, TAs often assist with grading, holding office hours, leading discussion sections, and providing additional support to students outside of the classroom. Clearly delineating between the roles of instructor and TA helps students understand who they should turn to for specific types of assistance.

Secondly, students may have different expectations and needs when seeking help from an instructor versus a TA. For example, they may feel more comfortable asking conceptual questions to an instructor, while seeking clarification on assignments or grading from a TA. By accurately identifying my role as a TA, students can approach me with confidence knowing that I am here to support them in specific ways that complement the instructor's role.

Furthermore, distinguishing between the roles of instructor and TA helps maintain clarity in communication within the academic environment. This clarity is especially important in large classes where multiple individuals may be involved in teaching and providing support to students. Students need to know who they can reach out to for various inquiries or assistance, and accurately identifying the TA role helps streamline this process.

Overall, ensuring that my role as a TA is accurately identified separate from that of an instructor is essential for providing clarity and effective support to students throughout their academic journey. This distinction helps establish clear expectations, facilitates communication, and ultimately enhances the learning experience for everyone involved.