Quality of life improvements to ensure we can set the project up from scratch without encountering errors.
Updated CombinedTeledataManager.update_data() to check that there are any staff, org, dept or combined teledata objects to work with before doing stuff to help avoid issues with various model fields not existing yet when running teledata migrations (particularly, migration 0009).
Split the existing 'programs' fixture into separate fixtures per object type, and added a new 'colleges' fixture so that the collegeoverrides fixture can be loaded properly.
Updated gulp default task to at least not throw an error when it's run (we currently don't have any tasks to pass to it)
Updated README setup steps to account for common gotcha's/add other missing notes
Quality of life improvements to ensure we can set the project up from scratch without encountering errors.
to check that there are any staff, org, dept or combined teledata objects to work with before doing stuff to help avoid issues with various model fields not existing yet when running teledata migrations (particularly, migration 0009).