UCF / UCF-Resource-Search-Plugin

Plugin for displaying a resource search and list of resources via a shortcode.
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InfoSec flagged issue #16

Open vinhtvu2 opened 3 years ago

vinhtvu2 commented 3 years ago

var t=window.location.hash;t&&-1!==t.indexOf("#filter-")&&("filter-all"===(t=t.replace("#",""))?$resourceLinkCards.show():$resourceLinkCards.show().not("."+t).hide(),isResourceFilterLeft&&scrollToElement($UcfResourceDirectoryItems),setSelected($("."+t)))

Data is read from window.location.hash and passed to $() via the following statements:

var t=window.location.hash; $("." + t)


jmbarne3 commented 3 years ago

We need to make sure we sanitize the hash when we get it from the window.

jmbarne3 commented 3 years ago

We should probably check to make sure we're sanitizing the value coming from the input as well.