Python 3 framework to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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help needed in converting a hack to a proper implementation for coupling easyvvuq and muscle3 #397

Open DavidPCoster opened 1 year ago

DavidPCoster commented 1 year ago

At the recent SEAVEA hackathon, I managed to generate samples using EasyVVUQ and then send them to be executed via MUSCLE3. To do this, the EasyVVUQ component was implemented as a component in a MUSCLE3 workflow. fusion_easyvvuq But to do this I needed to extract the cases from the EasyVVUQ database, send them using MUSCLE3, and then add the results after completion.

My hack at the moment involves setting a null action

actions = uq.actions.Actions()

and then putting the following block into my code

while instance.reuse_instance():
    # configure output port
    if not instance.is_resizable('parameters_out'):
                'This component needs a resizable parameters_out port, but'
                ' it is connected to something that cannot be resized.'
                ' Maybe try adding a load balancer.')

    instance.set_port_length('parameters_out', my_campaign.get_active_sampler().count)

    # run ensemble

    Results = []
    # O_I
    for sample, case in enumerate(my_campaign.list_runs()):
        uq_parameters = case[1]['params']
        del uq_parameters['out_file']
        for k in uq_parameters.keys():
            uq_parameters[k] = eval("%s(%s)" % (params[k]["type"], uq_parameters[k]))
        msg = Message(0.0, data=Settings(uq_parameters))
        instance.send('parameters_out', msg, sample)
    # S
    for sample, case in enumerate(my_campaign.list_runs()):
        msg = instance.receive_with_settings('states_in', sample)
        case[1]['result'] = {k: list(v.array) for k, v in msg.data.items()}
        case[1]['rundir'] = None
        case[1]['run_info'] = {'run_dir': None}
        my_campaign.campaign_db.store_result(case[0], case[1])

It works but I would like to see a more elegant solution!