UCL-CCS / symmer

An efficient Python-based framework for implementing qubit subspace methods, reducing the resource requirements for near-term quantum simulations.
MIT License
37 stars 9 forks source link

unitaryHACK #3: Code Documentation #139

Closed TimWeaving closed 1 year ago

TimWeaving commented 1 year ago

Goal: Re-write documentation into Google style.

Reward: $100

The Symmer codebase is completely documented, but in an unofficial style. We would like the hacker to format our documentation into the Google style. The hacker should leave the descriptions at the beginning of each docstring as they are, but include necessary Arguments, Attributes, Returns etc. with relevant typing so that it is compliant with desired style. You may leave the description of arguments and returns blank, and the maintainers of Symmer will update this themselves. The winning PR will be awarded $100.

AlexisRalli commented 1 year ago

To see if code meets the required formatting please run the following:

poetry run pydocstyle --convention=google

devilkiller-ag commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can I work on this issue?

AlexisRalli commented 1 year ago

Hi @devilkiller-ag ! Of course you can work on this issue. Feel free to post any questions here. Good luck!

devilkiller-ag commented 1 year ago

Thanks @AlexisRalli

devilkiller-ag commented 1 year ago

@AlexisRalli , I am working on it and have completed it for some files. I wanted to ask should I create a pull request for you to keep checking of my progress and if I am in right direction or not. As I think, it will take whole day for me to complete the task, kindly don't assign it to someone else.