UCL-CCS / symmer

An efficient Python-based framework for implementing qubit subspace methods, reducing the resource requirements for near-term quantum simulations.
MIT License
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Symmer import speed up #165

Closed MIWdlB closed 8 months ago

MIWdlB commented 8 months ago

Import was taking way too long

Screenshot from 2023-11-02 13-58-46

Quick check suggested that the biggest dependency was ray.

Each file only uses put, get, remote so import changed to specifically these.

Import is much faster as a result.

Screenshot from 2023-11-02 13-59-27

MIWdlB commented 8 months ago

@TimWeaving @AlexisRalli any reason the tests should be failing?

AlexisRalli commented 8 months ago

The issues in this pull request are being fixed in #166