UCL-COMP0233-2023-2024 / RSE-Classwork

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Working with the US Geological Survey earthquake data set #13

Open dpshelio opened 1 year ago

dpshelio commented 1 year ago

This exercise will look at how to read data from an online source (web service), explore and and process it.

  1. Write down what time it is.
  2. Fork the earthquakes repository and clone it on your computer.
  3. Read the description of the exercise in the README file.
  4. Start by getting and exploring the data (step 1), then complete the code to process it (step 2).
  5. When you are happy with your solution (or want some feedback!):
    1. Push your new code to your own fork.
    2. On GitHub, open a pull request from your fork to the original repository.
    3. In the description, include the text Answers UCL-COMP0233-23-24/RSE-Classwork#13. This will list your PR to this issue.
    4. On the PR text, comment on what you found difficult or interesting, or something you learned. If you have finished the exercise, also mention the answers you found (e.g. "The maximum magnitude is 3 and it occurred at coordinates (4.0, -3.8)."
  6. Choose one of the other pull requests listed on this issue, and leave a review. Comment on things you find interesting or don't understand, any problems you think you spot, good solutions or potential improvements.
  7. fill in the short feedback form on Moodle about how long it took you to solve this exercise.

If you have questions or get stuck, ask on Moodle or book an office hours slot!