UCL-COMP0233-2023-2024 / RSE-Classwork

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Friend group data model #9

Open dpshelio opened 1 year ago

dpshelio commented 1 year ago

Every group

  1. Fork the friend group repository to one of your accounts.
  2. Add everyone else in your group as a collaborator to the forked repository.
  3. Clone your fork locally.
  4. Create a new branch named with a combination of your team e.g., dpshelio-arcteaching-willgraham01.
  5. Write your code in the file group.py to do what the exercise asks - see the instructions in the README file of the exercise repository.
  6. Commit your changes to your branch! (using meaningful messages)
  7. Push your changes from your computer to your fork.
  8. Create a pull request (PR) from your branch to original friend-group repository. Add a meaningful title to that PR and don't forget to mention your partners in the description (as @username) and a link to this issue: Answers UCL-COMP0233-23-24/RSE-Classwork#9

If you finish all of that, you can work on our stretch goal #10 .