UCL-Chimera / anonymising_data

Code to test anonymising data
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Find data for admission table #52

Open skeating opened 7 months ago

skeating commented 7 months ago
For a fixed number of mrn we want to produce a table with the following columns: Name Datatype explanation
visit big int the foreign key that links the visit to the person
person_id mrn the unique identifier for the person
age datetime the date of birth of the person
gender text the gender of the person
ethnicity text the ethnicity of the person
hospital_admission_datetime datetime the date on which the person was admitted / the date on which the visit started
admitting_source_value text the record of where the person came from
hospital_discharge_datetime datetime the date on which the person was discharged/ the date the visit ended
discharge_to_source_value text record of where the person went to