Location: The Summary section at the end of the notebook 040_GDAL_mosaicing_and_masking.ipynb.
An update might be required for the last column in the row of gdal.BuilVRT():
replace file, sds = modis.get_files(year, doy) with
data = getModisFile(**kwargs)
for sds, sds_v in data.items():
for doy, doy_v in sds_v.items():
files = doy_v.keys()
ofile = f"work/stitch_{sds}_{kwargs['year']}_{doy:03d}_{'Tiles_'+'_'.join(tiles)}.vrt"
stitch_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(ofile, list(doy_v.values()))
del stitch_vrt
Location: The Summary section at the end of the notebook 040_GDAL_mosaicing_and_masking.ipynb.
An update might be required for the last column in the row of gdal.BuilVRT(): replace
file, sds = modis.get_files(year, doy)