INGInious is a secure and automated exercises assessment platform using your own tests, also providing a pluggable interface with your existing LMS.
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[frontend] Organizing list of subscribed courses #971

Open AlexandreDubray opened 11 months ago

AlexandreDubray commented 11 months ago

With time, the list of courses to which a professor/TA is registered grows quite a lot (especially with courses dedicated to exams). Most of these courses are never accessed or only a few times a year.

It would be a good thing to be able to organize the courses shown on the course list. A good alternative would be to organize them by sections, that can be hidden, as it is done for the exercises in a course.

nrybowski commented 11 months ago

We plan to add the possibility for users to star their preferred course, they will thus appear on top of their home page. The others could then be stored in a closed by default dropdown.

Would that fit your use-case?

AlexandreDubray commented 11 months ago

Yes !