UCL-RITS / rcps-buildscripts

Scripts to automate package builds on RC Platforms
MIT License
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CRYSTAL23: Install latest version of CRYSTAL and check current UK Academic License Requirements #571

Open balston opened 5 months ago

balston commented 5 months ago

The current version of CRYSTAL on the clusters is CRYSTAL17 and it is installed as a reserved application (users need to be in the legcryst group). CRYSTAL23 is the latest version so we should update to this version. Note: CRYSTAL23 is supplied as binaries so may not run on RedHat 7.x.

We also need to check if the UK Academic License still requires us to install it as a reserved application. May need to contact Crystal Solutions about this: (https://www.crystalsolutions.eu/)

balston commented 5 months ago

I've downloaded copies of the Linux CRYSTAL23 archives including a copy of the UK Academic License agreement to my iMac and then uploaded them to my Scratch on Myriad.

balston commented 5 months ago

Looking at the binary archives for CRYSTAL23 I think we need OpenMPI 4.1.1 compiled with Intel 2022 compilers which we don't currently have.

balston commented 4 months ago

I'm attempting to build OpenMPI 4.1.1 with the Intel 2022 compilers on Myriad.

./openmpi-4.1.1-intel-2022_install 2&1  | tee ~/Software/OpenMPI/openmpi-4.1.1-intel-2022_install.log-1

from the ccspapp account.

balston commented 4 months ago

Build of OpenMPI 4.1.1 finished on Myriad - no obvious errors. Now building on Kathleen.

balston commented 4 months ago

Build on Kathleen has finished.

balston commented 4 months ago

module file ready and uploaded to Myriad and Kathleen. Can now try and install Crystal 23.

balston commented 3 months ago

I've got a build script for both the serial and the basic parallel versions of CRYSTAL23 which I've run on Kathleen from the ccspapp account:

cd /shared/ucl/apps/build_scripts/
./crystal23-1.0.1_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Software/CRYSTAL/crystal23-1.0.1_install.log-1

There were no obvious errors from the build and I've run some of the example test cases without errors including test11 which has results in the installation guide which match my example run.

Next step is to install a module file.

balston commented 3 months ago

module file now uploaded to Kathleen. Use the following module commands to access CRYSTAL23:

module unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load gcc-libs/10.2.0
module load compilers/intel/2022.2
module load mpi/openmpi/4.1.1/intel-2022
module load crystal23/1.0.1/intel-2022

and then eg:

gerun Pcrystal

to run it where the file INPUT in the working directory contains the CRYSTAL23 commands.

balston commented 3 months ago

Replied to IN06604760

balston commented 3 months ago

now installed on Myriad as well.

balston commented 3 months ago

Building on Young but need to do the OpenMPI version first.

balston commented 3 months ago

IN06604760 has tested CRYSTAL23 and it is working fine

balston commented 3 months ago

Young build is complete and my test job has run successfully.