UCL-RITS / rcps-buildscripts

Scripts to automate package builds on RC Platforms
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NAG Library and Fortran compiler: Update internal cluster LMs with keys for 2024/25 #579

Open balston opened 3 months ago

balston commented 3 months ago

The current license keys for NAG run out at the end of July. We now have new keys from NAG which are valid until 31sy July 2025. The internal cluster License Managers (on the util nodes) need updating with the correct set of keys.

balston commented 3 months ago

Updated the LM on:

balston commented 3 months ago

I tried updating the Myriad NAG LM with the new keys but my NAG Library Mark 27 job failed as it was no longer licensed. I've asked NAG for keys for the older library versions that we have on the clusters.

balston commented 3 months ago

I have some extra keys from NAG hopefully for the older versions but with this comment from NAG support:

Thanks for your email.

In the attached text file, I have included the keys provided last year and Mark 30.

Please note that we support the latest version and the one previous version of the software.

Kind regards,

balston commented 3 months ago

we should probably install the Mark 30 library and latest version of the NAG Fortran compiler 7.2

balston commented 3 months ago

testing the updated keys (new + old) on the Myriad internal LM.

balston commented 3 months ago

Seems to be working ok.

balston commented 3 months ago

All internal Cluster NAG LMs updated now.

balston commented 2 months ago

There is a version of the NAG Library Mark 30 for older RedHat 7 systems:


as well as a version for more uptodate systems. I will get the version for RedHat 7 installed. See here for details:


balston commented 2 months ago

I now have an install script ready for Mark 30:


will first test on Myriad.

balston commented 2 months ago

The install script has run on Myriad and looks like it’s done the installation correctly. I now need to work out the module file and run some tests.

balston commented 2 months ago

I have the module file on Myriad ready to run some tests tomorrow.

balston commented 2 months ago

I'm getting the following errors from the Myriad LM when I run any test examples:

20240729 1728.24:Request from user 278107 (ccxxxxx) at (login12.myriad.) for product NLL6I30XN denied - No licence for that product

I've emailed NAG support.

balston commented 2 months ago

NAG have emailed an additional license key for Myriad which should work. I'm going to add this to the LM.

balston commented 2 months ago

my first test on the login nodes has worked so I'm going to submit a job to check all is working from the compute nodes on Myriad.

balston commented 2 months ago

My test job ran successfully on Myriad compute nodes so Mark 30 of the NAG library is working on Myriad.

We will need license keys for NLL6I30XN for the other cluster LMs so I'm emailing NAG support again. Will need these before Mark 30 will run on them.

balston commented 2 months ago

NAG have emailed me the extra keys.

balston commented 2 months ago

Working round the clusters NAG Library Mark 30 installed and tested on:

balston commented 2 months ago

All clusters now have Mark 30 installed and cluster LMs updated. All done.

balston commented 2 months ago

according to NAG support we already have keys for NAG Fortran 7.2 so I'm doing a test install in Myriad. Build script has been updated and after some fiddling has now worked.

Updating the module file now.

balston commented 2 months ago

NAG Fortran 7.2 almost works but the TECHINFO.txt file supplied with the installer says:

C Compiler: gcc 6.3.1 or compatible

required so not 4.9.2.

balston commented 2 months ago

Updating the module file to require gcc-libs/10.2.0. So using the following module commands:

module unload compilers gcc-libs
module load compilers/nag/7.2

compiling the test example from the README.txt file:

cp /shared/ucl/apps/NAG/fortran-compiler/7.2/lib/NAG_Fortran/f90_util.f90 .
nagfor -o f90_util f90_util.f90
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 7.2(Shin-Urayasu) Build 7203
Extension(NAG): f90_util.f90, line 90: Non-standard intrinsic module F90_KIND
                detected at :@BYTE
[NAG Fortran Compiler normal termination, 1 warning]
[ccaabaa@login13 tests]$

Running the example give expected results.

balston commented 2 months ago

For example:


    NAG Fortran Compiler

 Installation test and simple demo program
 Copyright 1991-2012 The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, U.K.

 1 - Binary, octal and hexadecimal constants
 2 - Show maths model (integer and logical)
 3 - Show maths model (real and complex)
 4 - Date and time plus system clock

 Enter a value (0 to exit):

 INTEGER             Default    int8    int16       int32                int64
   KIND number =           3       1        2           3                    4
        digits =          31       7       15          31                   63
         radix =           2       2        2           2                    2
         range =           9       2        4           9                   18
          huge =  2147483647     127    32767  2147483647  9223372036854775807
      bit_size =          32       8       16          32                   64

 LOGICAL             Default    byte     word     twobyte            logical64
   KIND number =           3       1        2           3                    4

 1 - Binary, octal and hexadecimal constants
 2 - Show maths model (integer and logical)
 3 - Show maths model (real and complex)
 4 - Date and time plus system clock

 Enter a value (0 to exit):

      date: 20240808
      time: 160839.528
      zone: +0100
    values:  2024 8 8 60 16 8 39 528

         count: 1723129719528699
    count_rate: 1000000, i.e. approx every 1.0 microseconds
     count_max: 9223372036854775807 (2562047788.02 hours)

 1 - Binary, octal and hexadecimal constants
 2 - Show maths model (integer and logical)
 3 - Show maths model (real and complex)
 4 - Date and time plus system clock

 Enter a value (0 to exit):
balston commented 2 months ago

Can now install on all clusters.

balston commented 2 months ago

NAG Fortran 7.2 installed and tested on:

balston commented 2 months ago

All done.