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SRT2D repository: SRT 2D PET and SPECT algorithms #1420

Open Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou opened 1 month ago

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

Changes in this pull request

2 new analytic reconstruction algorithms SRT 2D PET in the src→ analytic → SRT2D folder and SRT 2D SPECT in the src→ analytic → SRT2DSPECT folder of my SRT2D repository. [In 2016 in SRT2D folder had been uploaded the prior versions of both these two codes: these old versions do not work with the current STIR version (as there had been pointer etc changes in STIR in between). Also the new versions of the 2 algorithms are improved, e.g. the old SRT2DSPECT run only for uniform data, whereas the new one doesn’t have such restriction.]

Testing performed

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Checklist before requesting a review

KrisThielemans commented 1 month ago

@Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou please don't update pre-commit-check.yml. If you cannot run clang-format on your files (which is trickier than it should be), I can run it for you. Don't worry about that.

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your message! I am sorry for committing continuously.

Now Pre-Commit-check passed; it seems it had a problem not with clang-format, but because Node.js 20 instead of Node.js 16 should be used. Hence, in pre-commit-check.yml the line which was causing the problem was:

I replaced it with 

    - name: Setup Node.js 20.x  # Ensuring Node.js 20 is set up       uses: actions/setup-node@v3       with:         node-version: '20.x'  # Use Node.js 20.x

I hope this does not cause a problem in the following stage.    

Codacy static and Continuous-integration again passed; however the latter does not appear in the pull request page, but it just finished running in STIR-AppVeyor.

Thank you so much for your help!!

KrisThielemans commented 1 month ago

@Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou can you please make multiple commits locally, and then push. Alternatively, add [ci skip] to a commit message. Every new commit triggers a job on Appveyor that takes ~90 mins run-time. I'm killing most of these...

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

I am really sorry, I forgot [ci skip] in my current change! Please cancel from AppVeyor.

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

Thank you wholeheartedly for your review!! I am really sorry with committing continuously; thank you for your help with [ci skip].

-Unfortunately, pre-commit-check.yml reverted to its original content, failed again. The problem is the line: uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0 (which allows for use of Node 20 instead of Node 16, and maybe this transition does not occur in my repository. Let me also note I have 18.04.01 Ubuntu, not the latest.)

-Each review point now has a sign 'Outdated'. Am I to click on the 'Resolve Conversation' button? I would not press this button neither for the pre-commit-check.yml nor for the headers (as I am not certain if the new headers are fully OK).

-In the SPECT code, I had forgotten (and now erased) a line which allowed to choose the slices of a sinogram for a multi-slice phantom (as I was running XCAT); apparently this would lead to wrong results if run with arbitrary data.

Thank you wholeheartedly!! I am looking forward to your next comments!

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

I think what I wrote about the Nodes might not be the problem. It seems to me now it is indeed the Clang-format... I am please asking for your help on fixing it. Thank you so for all your help!!!

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

The option 'Re-request Review' appeared, and I clicked on it, thinking it was due to the previous review comments being labeled as 'Outdated' after the changes applied. I now think though if the pre-commit-check.yml should have first been corrected; hence, if pressing this button was wrong, please ignore it, and I am really sorry.

KrisThielemans commented 1 month ago

Below is a screen-shot of output of recon_test_pack/run_test_simulate_and_recon.sh with STIR compiled in Debug-mode, STIR_OPENMP=OFF. Top: SRT2D, bottom FBP2D. This looks fine except from an overall scale factor of 2. This will be because of the choice of image units. As the recon_test_pack runs with zoom:=0.5, SRT2DReconstruction needs to divide by zoom at the very end to get same units as the rest of STIR (for PET).

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago


I am afraid I do not see the screenshot.

However, I think there is something else also going on leading to the failure of Build and ctest and recon_test_pack CI tests. As I need to attach some files to explain, I am writing email to send. THANK YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY!!!

KrisThielemans commented 1 month ago

Release STIR_OPENMP=ON recons crash (also on GitHub Actions) however. This is a problem with the OpenMP code (I've tested Release, disabling the OpenMP pragma, and then it's fine).

@Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou wrote

I had run openmp in the past, not now. However, I had not run it with the choice dynamic. I changed it to dynamic, because continuous-integration asked me for dynamic allocation of variables, hence I thought it might also be best it is set so. I wonder whether this causes the openmp problem.

Not sure what you mean with "dynamic". Which lines in the code? I removed schedule(dynamic) nowait but that didn't help

Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 month ago

Dear Professor @KrisThielemans, I would please like to inform you on the following: 1) I uploaded the new versions of the algorithms so that OPENMP runs. The SPECT version parallelization has artifacts, hence I need to improve it.

2) I could not divide by zoom for PET: the run_test_simulate_and_recon.sh appeared to substitute the zoom variable with a value of its own. This was happening even if there was NO division by zoom, but zoom was simply defined in the code; that's why I had to comment it out. However, locally on my pc, outside of recon_test_pack, using dividing by zoom, was possible, and changes in the default value, or in the par file, impacted the result accordingly. I had to leave multiplication by 2, so that the test would pass.

3) Regarding the SPECT test, I realized the following:

I will be waiting to see the results of the tests, esp. if the repository runs with OPENMP, and if PET passes run_test_simulate_and_recon.sh, as it happens locally on my pc. Then I will be waiting for you guidelines on what should happen with the SPECT test. Could it be that a separate .sh test should be created (to avoid the impact of zoom)?


Dimitra-Kyriakopoulou commented 1 day ago

Dear Professor @KrisThielemans, I created the tests for SPECT changing 3 reckon test files. Attempting to change the name of simulate_PET_data_for_tests.sh to the now appropriate simulate_PET_and_SPECT_data_for_tests.sh, a conflict was created, which would not allow Appveyor to run; so I rewrote the name as it initially was. Should Appveyor find errors, I will proceed to correct them.