Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
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LPS returns SPL #491

Open KrisThielemans opened 4 years ago

KrisThielemans commented 4 years ago

@ashgillman I find the following confusing:

CartesianCoordinate3D<float> LPS = image.get_LPS_for_indices();
const float S = LPS[1];
const float L = LPS[3];

i.e. I'd expect that LPS coordinates are in order LPS.

I guess you did this because of the usual STIR z,y,x convention (where z is along the axis of the scanner), but we never call this get_xyz.

This seems quite non-trivial to change however. Moreover, it would also have repercussions for SIRF I guess (@rijobro @evgueni-ovtchinnikov, please confirm).

Not sure what to do with this...

ashgillman commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I missed this.

Hmm, looks like this is handled here: https://github.com/UCL/STIR/blob/29133a3ffa690b444894b4392aa710e8bb33a42e/src/include/stir/DiscretisedDensity.inl#L218-L253

I use the CartesianCoordinate3D.{x(),y(),z()} interface as opposed to indexing. So it would seem the issue might be with the use of that data type?