UCL / TLOmodel

Epidemiology modelling framework for the Thanzi la Onse project
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Check equipment use logged by the model #1431

Open sakshimohan opened 1 month ago

sakshimohan commented 1 month ago

PR #1341 allowed for the logging of equipment used for service delivery in the model. The healthsystem.summary logger now records by Facility_ID which pieces of equipment are called upon my modules to run HSIs. Based on an unconstrained 10-year run (100,000 population) from 11 July 2024, 50 pieces of equipment were logged across different levels of care - see .csv file below. This issue requests disease module leads to verify whether this log makes sense, i.e. whether they would like to incorporate the use of any further pieces of equipment at any level or remove any.

tlo_equipment_log_summary.csv (File updated at 11:27 24 July following corrections listed here)

sakshimohan commented 1 month ago

Easily readable version of .csv below (Table updated at 11:27 24 July following corrections listed here)

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

Equipment_name | Item_code | 1a | 0 | 2 | 3 | Alternative_name -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Height Pole (Stadiometer) | 0 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Length Boards with ruler, headpiece and foot piece', 'Hieght boards sets' Weighing scale | 1 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Salter weighing scale', 'Waeighing Scale' Autoclave | 2 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'High pressure cooker sterilizer, complete with stove', 'Sterilization drums, medium', 'Sterilization drum', 'Sterilization buckets', 'Sterilization buckets (decontamination buckets)', 'Sterilization Buckets', 'Decontamination drums', 'Dressing drum medium', 'Dressing drum large', 'Dressing drum  small' Blood pressure machine | 6 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 Thermometer | 7 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Thermometers, digital' Stethoscope | 13 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Stethoscopes' Glucometer | 15 | TRUE | - | - | - | 0 Haemoglobinometer | 17 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Haemacue (Haemoglobinometer)', 'Hemoglobinometer' Ultrasound, combined 2/4 pole interferential with vacuum and dual frequency 1-3MHZ | 279 | TRUE | - | - | - | 'Combined 2/4 pole interferential with vacuum and dual frequency 1-3MHZ ultrasound' MUAC tape | 24 | TRUE | - | - | - | 0 Sputum Collection box | 30 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Sputum container' Ordinary Microscope | 31 | TRUE | - | TRUE | TRUE | 'Microscopy' Bed, adult | 35 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Bed labour', 'Bed, postnatal', 'Beds', 'Beds, low' Resuscitaire | 293 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 Nasal Prongs | 294 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 Bucket, 10L | 40 | - | - | TRUE | - | '10 L buckets' Lamp, Anglepoise | 41 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Angle poised lamp', 'Angle poise lamp' _**Tray, emergency**_ | 43 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Emergency tray packs', 'Emergency tray' Suction machine | 62 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 Drip stand | 68 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Intravenous drip stands' Stool, adjustable height | 69 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Stool, surgeon's, adjustable height', 'Height stool, adjustable' Sponge Holding Forceps | 70 | TRUE | - | - | - | 0 _**Oxygen cylinder, with regulator**_ | 365 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Oxygen cylinder' Patient monitor | 111 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Patient monitors' _**Trolley, patient**_ | 113 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Patient trolley', 'Recovery trolley' Casting chairs | 115 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 Sphygmomanometer | 372 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Syphygmomanometer', 'Sphygmomamometer' _**Measuring tapes**_ | 117 | TRUE | - | - | - | 'Height Measuring Tape', 'Tape measure' X-ray viewer | 119 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Xray field viewer' Casting platform | 123 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 Analyser, Combined Chemistry and Electrolytes | 125 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Combined Chemistry and Electolytes analyser', _**Electrocardiogram**_ | 403 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 Ultrasound scanning machine | 161 | - | - | - | TRUE | 'Mobile Ultrasound scanning general with printer', 'Obstetric Ultrasound scan with doppler', 'Ultrasound scanning portable', 'Detector, foetal heart, ultrasonic, portable, Doppler' Computed Tomography (CT machine) | 164 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 CT scanner accessories | 165 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 Infusion pump | 170 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 _**Trolley, emergency**_ | 171 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Emergency trolley' Cusco‚Äôs/ bivalved Speculum (small, medium, large) | 172 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Speculums', 'Speculum', 'Cuscos/ bivalve Speculum (small, medium, large)' Oxygen concentrator | 179 | TRUE | - | - | - | 0 Delivery set | 184 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Hollow ware', 'Hollow ware, set, delivery room', 'Hollow ware set, ward, duty station', 'Instrument set', 'Episiotomy set' Stethoscope, foetal, monaural, Pinard, plastic | 188 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 0 X-ray machine | 202 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'X ray machine', 'Static digital x-ray machine' Laparotomy Set | 212 | - | - | TRUE | TRUE | 'Laparatomy Set' Hysterectomy set | 213 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Total Abdominal Hysterectomy set', 'Vaginal Hysterectomy Set', 'Radical Hysterectomy set' Bipolar Diathermy Machine | 214 | - | - | TRUE | - | 0 Suction Curettage machine | 218 | - | - | TRUE | - | 'Suction Curettage  machine' _**Analyser, Haematology**_ | 221 | TRUE | - | TRUE | - | 'Haematology analyser Auto', 'Haematology analyser Semi' Pulse oximeter | 243 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | - | 0

sakshimohan commented 1 month ago

@EvaJanouskova do you know what item_code 403 is?

EvaJanouskova commented 1 month ago

@EvaJanouskova do you know what item_code 403 is?

It's one of the latest added items 402=Endoscope, 403=Electrocardiogram.

joehcollins commented 1 month ago

Hi @sakshimohan (@tbhallett @EvaJanouskova). I went through all the modules quickly and checked to see if there was equipment in the code that hadn't been logged in this output. Following are missing:

A few other comments we could maybe discuss:

joehcollins commented 1 month ago

Also just to say in the list here some of these items have been combined (i.e. a regular stethoscope and feotal stethoscope). Just checking now with the original

sakshimohan commented 1 month ago

Hi @sakshimohan (@tbhallett @EvaJanouskova). I went through all the modules quickly and checked to see if there was equipment in the code that hadn't been logged in this output. Following are missing:

Hi @joehcollins Many thanks for taking a look at this. This is very helpful. Looking through the latest Equipment catalogue in master I realised that some of the item_code to equipment_name mapping might have updated since I put together the costing database. I have now remapped the equipment names in the table above (in bold). You'll notice that 7 pieces of equipment are different now. This addresses some of your points (checked below)-

EvaJanouskova commented 1 month ago
  • [ ] Why is the microscope being use at level 1a...

It could be because of HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer.

EvaJanouskova commented 1 month ago

I've gone through the catalogue and found a few additional items missing from your list beyond those Joe identified:

Btw, a few items have some name issues:

I have also looked up the cancer modules and find a few items which are in your list but not in the fac. level for which the equipment is called. Maybe HSI can be redirected to another level? I haven't dive into this in the model yet, hence cannot say if that's so.

The items called from contraception module seem to be logged correctly. There is no equipment in stunting and wasting.