Closed tbhallett closed 1 year ago
I looked at this on the branch PR’d at #787 in src/scripts/calibration_analyses/analysis_scripts/
Results are shown here.
We note that almost all HSI have an average squeeze_factor > 0.0
The only ones that have 0.0 are: Inpatient_Care -- and this is by design (if you're already an in-patient, that appointment has to happen).
TREATMENT_ID:HSI | Squeeze_Factor |
Inpatient_Care:Inpatient_Care | 0 |
Epilepsy_Treatment_Followup:HSI_Epilepsy_Follow_Up | 137.579193 |
Hiv_Treatment:HSI_Hiv_StartOrContinueTreatment | 16.4579925 |
Tb_Test_FollowUp:HSI_Tb_FollowUp | 11.9069271 |
Hiv_Test:HSI_Hiv_TestAndRefer | 3.48464806 |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Inpatient_Followup:HSI_Alri_Treatment | 17.4918132 |
FirstAttendance_NonEmergency:HSI_GenericFirstApptAtFacilityLevel0 | 2.77036774 |
PostnatalCare_Neonatal:HSI_NewbornOutcomes_ReceivesPostnatalCheck | 18.5985309 |
Rti_FractureCast:HSI_RTI_Fracture_Cast | 55.5153206 |
Rti_MinorSurgeries:HSI_RTI_Minor_Surgeries | 34.544554 |
Rti_MajorSurgeries:HSI_RTI_Major_Surgeries | 36.9783094 |
Rti_Suture:HSI_RTI_Suture | 15.3722257 |
Rti_OpenFractureTreatment:HSI_RTI_Open_Fracture_Treatment | 20.8343863 |
Rti_AcutePainManagement:HSI_RTI_Acute_Pain_Management | 14.6304034 |
DeliveryCare_Basic:HSI_Labour_ReceivesSkilledBirthAttendanceDuringLabour | 13.8789467 |
Tb_Test_Screening:HSI_Tb_ScreeningAndRefer | 17.7852903 |
FirstAttendance_Emergency:HSI_GenericEmergencyFirstApptAtFacilityLevel1 | 55.5021346 |
Depression_TalkingTherapy:HSI_Depression_TalkingTherapy | 51.274745 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Treatment:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_Refill_Medication | 17.9647589 |
Hiv_Prevention_Infant:HSI_Hiv_StartInfantProphylaxis | 20.7143948 |
Contraception_Routine:HSI_Contraception_FamilyPlanningAppt | 11.6179009 |
Undernutrition_Feeding:HSI_Stunting_ComplementaryFeeding | 17.3307212 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Investigation:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_InvestigationNotFollowingSymptoms | 21.5128789 |
OesophagealCancer_Investigation:HSI_OesophagealCancer_Investigation_Following_Dysphagia | 29.8771417 |
Measles_Treatment:HSI_Measles_Treatment | 19.5650175 |
PostnatalCare_Neonatal_Inpatient:HSI_NewbornOutcomes_NeonatalWardInpatientCare | 24.5031878 |
Diarrhoea_Treatment_Inpatient:HSI_Diarrhoea_Treatment_Inpatient | 19.4199343 |
Epilepsy_Treatment_Start:HSI_Epilepsy_Start_Anti_Epileptic | 141.187826 |
FirstAttendance_SpuriousEmergencyCare:HSI_EmergencyCare_SpuriousSymptom | 18.7227554 |
Rti_MedicalIntervention:HSI_RTI_Medical_Intervention | 90.0375758 |
Malaria_Treatment_NotComplicated_Child:HSI_Malaria_non_complicated_treatment_age0_5 | 284.995131 |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Outpatient:HSI_Alri_Treatment | 12.5218939 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FirstAntenatalCareContact | 16.097668 |
BreastCancer_Treatment:HSI_BreastCancer_PostTreatmentCheck | 0.04361475 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SecondAntenatalCareContact | 25.8052423 |
AntenatalCare_FollowUp:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfAnaemia | 36.7931626 |
Rti_Imaging:HSI_RTI_Imaging_Event | 15.5710707 |
PostnatalCare_Maternal:HSI_Labour_ReceivesPostnatalCheck | 15.673397 |
DeliveryCare_Neonatal:HSI_NewbornOutcomes_CareOfTheNewbornBySkilledAttendantAtBirth | 19.924876 |
Malaria_Test:HSI_Malaria_rdt | 494.445905 |
AntenatalCare_Inpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalWardInpatientCare | 23.0120154 |
Diarrhoea_Treatment_Outpatient:HSI_Diarrhoea_Treatment_Outpatient | 18.6263261 |
Tb_Test_Xray:HSI_Tb_Xray_level1b | 14.3746146 |
ProstateCancer_Investigation:HSI_ProstateCancer_Investigation_Following_Urinary_Symptoms | 29.6449212 |
Schisto_Treatment:HSI_Schisto_TestingFollowingSymptoms | 13.6940662 |
Malaria_Treatment_NotComplicated_Adult:HSI_Malaria_non_complicated_treatment_adult | 328.565947 |
Malaria_Treatment_NotComplicated_Child:HSI_Malaria_non_complicated_treatment_age5_15 | 355.018251 |
ProstateCancer_Investigation:HSI_ProstateCancer_Investigation_Following_psa_positive | 38.9784987 |
Schisto_Treatment:HSI_Schisto_TreatmentFollowingDiagnosis | 14.754001 |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Inpatient:HSI_Alri_Treatment | 19.1122444 |
ProstateCancer_Treatment:HSI_ProstateCancer_StartTreatment | 1.7288691 |
Malaria_Prevention_Iptp:HSI_MalariaIPTp | 3.90974815 |
Epi_Pregnancy_Td:HSI_TdVaccine | 3.26813791 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Prevention_WeightLoss:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_StartWeightLossAndMedication | 24.9027379 |
OesophagealCancer_Treatment:HSI_OesophagealCancer_StartTreatment | 1.8666144 |
Depression_Treatment:HSI_Depression_Refill_Antidepressant | 9.68692328 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Prevention_CommunityTestingForHypertension:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_CommunityTestingForHypertension | 18.4738973 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Investigation:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_InvestigationFollowingSymptoms | 23.3677304 |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Treatment:HSI_CardioMetabolicDisorders_SeeksEmergencyCareAndGetsTreatment | 5.15292496 |
Depression_Treatment:HSI_Depression_Start_Antidepressant | 84.6139559 |
AntenatalCare_PostEctopicPregnancy:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_TreatmentForEctopicPregnancy | 31.4237515 |
DeliveryCare_Comprehensive:HSI_Labour_ReceivesComprehensiveEmergencyObstetricCare | 18.9839791 |
Hiv_Prevention_Circumcision:HSI_Hiv_Circ | 19.2844506 |
Tb_Treatment:HSI_Tb_StartTreatment | 16.7440051 |
PostnatalCare_Maternal_Inpatient:HSI_Labour_PostnatalWardInpatientCare | 25.8331296 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_ThirdAntenatalCareContact | 1.83089288 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FourthAntenatalCareContact | 2.15203702 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_FifthAntenatalCareContact | 2.56641501 |
Tb_Test_Xray:HSI_Tb_Xray_level2 | 15.1288803 |
OtherAdultCancer_Investigation:HSI_OtherAdultCancer_Investigation_Following_early_other_adult_ca_symptom | 24.3897215 |
AntenatalCare_Inpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_MaternalEmergencyAssessment | 12.9751508 |
AntenatalCare_PostAbortion:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PostAbortionCaseManagement | 26.1552176 |
BladderCancer_Investigation:HSI_BladderCancer_Investigation_Following_Blood_Urine | 31.7144786 |
AntenatalCare_Inpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_PresentsForInductionOfLabour | 14.780422 |
PostnatalCare_TreatmentForObstetricFistula:HSI_PostnatalSupervisor_TreatmentForObstetricFistula | 43.5566964 |
BreastCancer_Investigation:HSI_BreastCancer_Investigation_Following_breast_lump_discernible | 3.27107271 |
Malaria_Treatment_Complicated_Adult:HSI_Malaria_complicated_treatment_adult | 53.1153333 |
Malaria_Treatment_Complicated_Child:HSI_Malaria_complicated_treatment_child | 52.9426498 |
Rti_TetanusVaccine:HSI_RTI_Tetanus_Vaccine | 14.7491815 |
BladderCancer_Investigation:HSI_BladderCancer_Investigation_Following_pelvic_pain | 31.2932924 |
ProstateCancer_Investigation:HSI_ProstateCancer_Investigation_Following_Pelvic_Pain | 26.3227094 |
BladderCancer_Treatment:HSI_BladderCancer_StartTreatment | 2.08523748 |
OtherAdultCancer_Treatment:HSI_OtherAdultCancer_PostTreatmentCheck | 0.05656147 |
Tb_Prevention_Ipt:HSI_Tb_Start_or_Continue_Ipt | 27.0567384 |
BreastCancer_Treatment:HSI_BreastCancer_StartTreatment | 1.54286724 |
OtherAdultCancer_PalliativeCare:HSI_OtherAdultCancer_PalliativeCare | 5.28465879 |
Rti_ShockTreatment:HSI_RTI_Shock_Treatment | 16.0592538 |
Rti_BurnManagement:HSI_RTI_Burn_Management | 25.1229706 |
Schisto_MDA:HSI_Schisto_MDA | 0.71848929 |
AntenatalCare_FollowUp:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_AntenatalOutpatientManagementOfGestationalDiabetes | 9.8985481 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SixthAntenatalCareContact | 12.8206602 |
ProstateCancer_Treatment:HSI_ProstateCancer_PostTreatmentCheck | 0.02526558 |
BladderCancer_PalliativeCare:HSI_BladderCancer_PalliativeCare | 5.55724467 |
ProstateCancer_PalliativeCare:HSI_ProstateCancer_PalliativeCare | 5.849518 |
BreastCancer_PalliativeCare:HSI_BreastCancer_PalliativeCare | 5.07449202 |
OtherAdultCancer_Treatment:HSI_OtherAdultCancer_StartTreatment | 1.87277521 |
Epi_Adolescent_Hpv:HSI_HpvVaccine | 17.0383782 |
Hiv_Prevention_Prep:HSI_Hiv_StartOrContinueOnPrep | 3.78063555 |
Epi_Childhood_Bcg:HSI_BcgVaccine | 21.3725594 |
Epi_Childhood_Opv:HSI_opv | 20.6480328 |
Epi_Childhood_Pneumo:HSI_PneumoVaccine | 20.3446482 |
Epi_Childhood_Rota:HSI_RotaVaccine | 20.1326996 |
Epi_Childhood_DtpHibHep:HSI_DtpHibHepVaccine | 20.3446482 |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient:HSI_CareOfWomenDuringPregnancy_SeventhAntenatalCareContact | 1.19595856 |
Epi_Childhood_MeaslesRubella:HSI_MeaslesRubellaVaccine | 13.4589255 |
I examined this in the branch PR’d at #929 in src/scripts/healthsystem/impact_of_mode/
We get this result:
This is showing that in Mode 2 there is almost no benefit of the healthcare system.
This is consistent with the finding about the squeeze-factors: in Mode 2, any HSI that has a squeeze_factor > 0.0 does not run.
This is confirmed by looking at the logged HSI that run in Mode 2 (in src/scripts/healthsystem/impact_of_mode/
Counts of HSI Events that Occur for each TREATMENT_ID | TREATMENT_ID | No Healthcare System | Mode 0 | Mode 1 | Mode 2 |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Inpatient | 0.0 | 17573.2 | 17554.2 | 0.0 | |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Inpatient_Followup | 0.0 | 15604.8 | 15520.0 | 0.0 | |
Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Outpatient | 0.0 | 58853.6 | 58587.6 | 23.6 | |
AntenatalCare_FollowUp | 0.0 | 2122.8 | 1997.6 | 0.0 | |
AntenatalCare_Inpatient | 0.0 | 25700.6 | 24350.0 | 0.0 | |
AntenatalCare_Outpatient | 0.0 | 120435.0 | 236232.0 | 0.0 | |
AntenatalCare_PostAbortion | 0.0 | 751.4 | 798.0 | 0.0 | |
AntenatalCare_PostEctopicPregnancy | 0.0 | 179.8 | 174.8 | 0.0 | |
BladderCancer_Investigation | 0.0 | 2023.8 | 2314.4 | 0.0 | |
BladderCancer_PalliativeCare | 0.0 | 393.4 | 348.6 | 0.0 | |
BladderCancer_Treatment | 0.0 | 67.6 | 68.4 | 0.0 | |
BreastCancer_Investigation | 0.0 | 1479.2 | 1465.6 | 0.0 | |
BreastCancer_PalliativeCare | 0.0 | 112.4 | 121.0 | 0.0 | |
BreastCancer_Treatment | 0.0 | 625.8 | 592.6 | 0.0 | |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Investigation | 0.0 | 455270.8 | 454498.8 | 0.0 | |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Prevention_CommunityTestingForHypertension | 0.0 | 5061.2 | 4991.8 | 0.0 | |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Prevention_WeightLoss | 0.0 | 28613.4 | 27167.4 | 0.0 | |
CardioMetabolicDisorders_Treatment | 0.0 | 121619.0 | 120402.0 | 0.0 | |
Contraception_Routine | 0.0 | 1414058.4 | 1430927.8 | 132080.2 | |
DeliveryCare_Basic | 0.0 | 28092.6 | 28341.4 | 0.0 | |
DeliveryCare_Comprehensive | 0.0 | 1963.6 | 1979.8 | 0.0 | |
DeliveryCare_Neonatal | 0.0 | 28898.4 | 29123.4 | 0.0 | |
Depression_TalkingTherapy | 0.0 | 220346.6 | 31942.4 | 0.0 | |
Depression_Treatment | 0.0 | 88975.8 | 12987.2 | 0.0 | |
Diarrhoea_Treatment_Inpatient | 0.0 | 13486.0 | 13416.8 | 0.0 | |
Diarrhoea_Treatment_Outpatient | 0.0 | 44370.2 | 44390.4 | 0.0 | |
Epi_Adolescent_Hpv | 0.0 | 3400.0 | 3476.6 | 0.0 | |
Epi_Pregnancy_Td | 0.0 | 46043.2 | 43976.4 | 0.0 | |
Epilepsy_Treatment_Followup | 0.0 | 300137.0 | 293249.2 | 0.0 | |
Epilepsy_Treatment_Start | 0.0 | 58824.0 | 57373.8 | 0.0 | |
FirstAttendance_Emergency | 0.0 | 120529.6 | 119730.2 | 82.2 | |
FirstAttendance_NonEmergency | 0.0 | 2265714.0 | 2263252.6 | 436.8 | |
FirstAttendance_SpuriousEmergencyCare | 0.0 | 14957.0 | 14977.2 | 0.0 | |
Hiv_Prevention_Circumcision | 0.0 | 6601.0 | 6545.0 | 0.0 | |
Hiv_Prevention_Infant | 0.0 | 18185.0 | 17800.6 | 0.0 | |
Hiv_Prevention_Prep | 0.0 | 4.75 | 6.2 | 0.0 | |
Hiv_Test | 0.0 | 211643.6 | 210123.0 | 8.0 | |
Hiv_Treatment | 0.0 | 180930.0 | 177754.2 | 0.0 | |
Inpatient_Care | 0.0 | 9857.6 | 9857.4 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Prevention_Iptp | 0.0 | 88421.8 | 82702.8 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Test | 0.0 | 4310443.4 | 4308986.2 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Treatment_Complicated_Adult | 0.0 | 396.6 | 414.4 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Treatment_Complicated_Child | 0.0 | 1061.6 | 1139.8 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Treatment_NotComplicated_Adult | 0.0 | 38737.4 | 38740.0 | 0.0 | |
Malaria_Treatment_NotComplicated_Child | 0.0 | 87702.4 | 87650.2 | 0.0 | |
Measles_Treatment | 0.0 | 14973.0 | 15005.6 | 0.0 | |
OesophagealCancer_Investigation | 0.0 | 3735.0 | 3502.0 | 0.0 | |
OesophagealCancer_PalliativeCare | 0.0 | 72.2 | 59.2 | 0.0 | |
OesophagealCancer_Treatment | 0.0 | 140.0 | 128.6 | 0.0 | |
OtherAdultCancer_Investigation | 0.0 | 1834.0 | 1792.0 | 0.0 | |
OtherAdultCancer_PalliativeCare | 0.0 | 914.4 | 847.2 | 0.0 | |
OtherAdultCancer_Treatment | 0.0 | 1197.4 | 1202.0 | 0.0 | |
PostnatalCare_Maternal | 0.0 | 18757.4 | 18937.8 | 0.0 | |
PostnatalCare_Maternal_Inpatient | 0.0 | 2518.6 | 2518.2 | 0.0 | |
PostnatalCare_Neonatal | 0.0 | 21701.0 | 21886.6 | 0.0 | |
PostnatalCare_Neonatal_Inpatient | 0.0 | 21701.0 | 21886.6 | 0.0 | |
PostnatalCare_TreatmentForObstetricFistula | 0.0 | 191.8 | 183.2 | 0.0 | |
ProstateCancer_Investigation | 0.0 | 1577.6 | 1717.6 | 0.0 | |
ProstateCancer_PalliativeCare | 0.0 | 70.6 | 75.0 | 0.0 | |
ProstateCancer_Treatment | 0.0 | 96.2 | 92.4 | 0.0 | |
Rti_AcutePainManagement | 0.0 | 29978.2 | 30897.6 | 0.0 | |
Rti_BurnManagement | 0.0 | 3020.4 | 3239.2 | 0.0 | |
Rti_FractureCast | 0.0 | 248276.6 | 262418.6 | 0.0 | |
Rti_Imaging | 0.0 | 2883.4 | 2880.0 | 0.0 | |
Rti_MajorSurgeries | 0.0 | 355906.2 | 359030.8 | 0.0 | |
Rti_MedicalIntervention | 0.0 | 4162.2 | 4216.4 | 0.0 | |
Rti_MinorSurgeries | 0.0 | 447837.0 | 474969.4 | 0.0 | |
Rti_OpenFractureTreatment | 0.0 | 17841.8 | 18003.6 | 0.0 | |
Rti_ShockTreatment | 0.0 | 635.0 | 635.2 | 0.0 | |
Rti_Suture | 0.0 | 26802.8 | 26933.8 | 0.0 | |
Rti_TetanusVaccine | 0.0 | 1409.4 | 1418.4 | 0.0 | |
Schisto_MDA | 0.0 | 128.0 | 128.0 | 0.0 | |
Schisto_Treatment | 0.0 | 7239.2 | 6973.2 | 0.0 | |
Tb_Prevention_Ipt | 0.0 | 5171.6 | 5030.0 | 0.0 | |
Tb_Test_FollowUp | 0.0 | 11315.2 | 11403.0 | 0.0 | |
Tb_Test_Screening | 0.0 | 536404.8 | 533190.4 | 2.0 | |
Tb_Test_Xray | 0.0 | 2598.0 | 2593.6 | 0.0 | |
Tb_Treatment | 0.0 | 3463.8 | 3446.2 | 0.0 | |
Undernutrition_Feeding | 0.0 | 9391.6 | 9231.2 | 0.0 |
1) It is curious that the only HSI that occur under Mode 2 are: [‘Alri_Pneumonia_Treatment_Outpatient', 'Contraception_Routine', 'FirstAttendance_Emergency', 'FirstAttendance_NonEmergency', 'Hiv_Test', 'Tb_Test_Screening']
a. Why is this? Is this due to the lack of randomisation in the HSI queue or the structure of prioritisation in the queue? (both fixed in PR #881)?
b. Should we do anything to change this?
c. When we do the scale-run should be use ignore_priority=True
, or otherwise change the declared priorities of HIS Events in the code (as the decisions about priorities seems a bit spurious to me).
It seems to me that the behaviour of Mode 2 is not exactly what we want because priority plays no part in determining the squeeze-factors. I think we want a new implementation whereby:
factor that says that Mode 2 allows event runs with a squeeze_factor < tolerance
; and, we set tolerance=0.0
.I would suggest creating a test for this specific behaviour using a DummyModules
as follows:
, HSI_Dummy_Priority1
, ….parse_log
with level=DEBUG`).squeeze_factor > 0.0
and a higher average squeeze.capabilities_coefficient
parameter working as expectedI would suggest that our plan is:
(it will fail)
until the test passes.We note that almost all HSI have an average squeeze_factor > 0.0
So, in mode 1, I suppose this means for each of these HSIs, the call/availability (of HCW time) > 1, i.e., the call exceeds the availability? (And in the way that tlo delivers healthcare services, every call is met?)
Thanks very much Tim. These are very interesting and helpful results. Looking forward to the meeting!
Thanks @marghe-molaro, @BinglingICL and @tdm32
We discussed a few things just now:
@marghe-molaro will take a go at creating the "sandbox" environment to test the behaviour under various ways of computing 'squeeze factors' and the modes. She also proposes that we unify the concepts of tolerance, squeeze-factor and priority such that priority is inversely proportional to the maximum squeeze-factor under which that HSI will run (under Mode 2).
@BinglingICL will look at the types of appointment that will have trouble running under the actual
@marghe-molaro, as per Bingling's comment, please could you also check that the logic hold that, if an appointment is not possible at all (because the cadre HCW does not exist at that facility in that district) that this does induce a squeeze_factor of np.inf
and that this appoinmtment does not run (in Mode 1 or Mode 2)...... if you all agree with that!?
- @BinglingICL will look at the types of appointment that will have trouble running under the
Hi all, please find the appts that cannot run under mode 1/mode 2 and 'actual' HR capabilities via the link: Would be happy to explain it in our meeting tomorrow.
@marghe-molaro, @BinglingICL and @tbhallett have discussed what is the "correct" mode of the HR constraints in the model for various purposes.
The provisional agreement is as follows:
To see if for all purposes we can align around a version of the HR constraints that is a mixture of Mode 2 (Hard Constraints) and Mode 1 (Elastic Constraints):
And, if not.... then:
[A related issue is whether the squeeze-factor should apply progressively to things with lower priority.]
Next steps are: 1) Examine what squeeze-factors are actually applying to HSI in the current form of the model under Mode=1 (@tbhallett will do) 2) Examine the different in health-outcomes for Mode=2 vs Mode=1 (@tbhallett will do) 3) Discuss further and then..... 4) Experiment with introducing the new "Mode=4"....