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Add new category of symbols to the symbol picker #70

Closed raquelalegre closed 7 months ago

raquelalegre commented 3 years ago

Antonino will send more info, but we need to add these IPA symbols:

We should show them how to add them themselves on the admin screen so they see it's possible. Not sure they have included this in the test cases.

For reference, here are the Alphabetum font's docs:



raquelalegre commented 3 years ago

@apitta0188, could you advise on which of these symbols belong to which character group of the ones we had created? Or perhaps we need to create a few new character groups for these.

@tim-band is joining the project on our side and @peterbispham will be handing over the web development side of the project to him during March. He'll join us at our next meeting on Tuesday so you can meet him, but in the meanwhile he's trying to get more familiar with the codebase by working on some of the issues like this one.

@tim-band also mentioned there are a few characters in the range above he thinks we shouldn't include: 007F control, 00A2 cent, 00A3 pound, 00A5 Yen, 1D2B Cyrillic letter small capital al, and maybe all the Greek and Latin small capitals. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

peterbispham commented 3 years ago

@tim-band to add new symbols to the data fixture so they are always loaded on deployment then edit the file


same for local and development.

@raquel-ucl we will need to take loading of this fixture away at the point where History are adding their own symbols otherwise their new symbols will be overwritten by the data fixture.

To remove the loading of the symbols on deployment we remove the line:

python manage.py loaddata compose/local/django/symbols.json



(for production)

tim-band commented 3 years ago

Here is a complete list of the requested characters, together with their official Unicode descriptions. I think we could do with culling a few of these: I suggest that we don't need 007F (it's a control character and Alphabetum doesn't have a glyph there), 00A2, 00A3, 00A5 (cent, pound, yen), 1B2D (Cyrillic small capital el) and the other small capitals, and potentially a load of other stuff.

Also, which ones are in which groups? Perhaps we need another "extended latin" group?

;007F; ¡;00A1;Inverted exclamation mark ¢;00A2;Cent sign £;00A3;Pound sign ¥;00A5;Yen sign ª;00AA;Feminine ordinal indicator ¯;00AF;Macron ²;00B2;Superscript two ³;00B3;Superscript three ¹;00B9;Superscript one º;00BA;Masculine ordinal indicator ¼;00BC;Vulgar fraction one quarter ½;00BD;Vulgar fraction one half ¾;00BE;Vulgar fraction three quarters ¿;00BF;Inverted question mark À;00C0;Latin capital letter A with grave Ã;00C3;Latin capital letter A with tilde Å;00C5;Latin capital letter A with ring above Æ;00C6;Latin capital letter ae È;00C8;Latin capital letter E with grave Ê;00CA;Latin capital letter E with circumflex Ì;00CC;Latin capital letter I with grave Ï;00CF;Latin capital letter I with diaeresis Ð;00D0;Latin capital letter eth Ñ;00D1;Latin capital letter N with tilde Ò;00D2;Latin capital letter O with grave Õ;00D5;Latin capital letter O with tilde Ø;00D8;Latin capital letter O with stroke Ù;00D9;Latin capital letter U with grave Û;00DB;Latin capital letter U with circumflex Þ;00DE;Latin capital letter thorn à;00E0;Latin small letter A with grave ã;00E3;Latin small letter A with tilde å;00E5;Latin small letter A with ring above æ;00E6;Latin small letter ae è;00E8;Latin small letter E with grave ê;00EA;Latin small letter E with circumflex ì;00EC;Latin small letter I with grave ï;00EF;Latin small letter I with diaeresis ð;00F0;Latin small letter eth ñ;00F1;Latin small letter N with tilde ò;00F2;Latin small letter O with grave õ;00F5;Latin small letter O with tilde ø;00F8;Latin small letter O with stroke ù;00F9;Latin small letter U with grave û;00FB;Latin small letter U with circumflex þ;00FE;Latin small letter thorn ÿ;00FF;Latin small letter Y with diaeresis Ā;0100;Latin capital letter A with macron ā;0101;Latin small letter A with macron Ĉ;0108;Latin capital letter C with circumflex ĉ;0109;Latin small letter C with circumflex Ċ;010A;Latin capital letter C with dot above ċ;010B;Latin small letter C with dot above Ē;0112;Latin capital letter E with macron ē;0113;Latin small letter E with macron Ĕ;0114;Latin capital letter E with breve ĕ;0115;Latin small letter E with breve Ė;0116;Latin capital letter E with dot above ė;0117;Latin small letter E with dot above Ĝ;011C;Latin capital letter G with circumflex ĝ;011D;Latin small letter G with circumflex Ğ;011E;Latin capital letter G with breve ğ;011F;Latin small letter G with breve Ġ;0120;Latin capital letter G with dot above ġ;0121;Latin small letter G with dot above Ģ;0122;Latin capital letter G with cedilla ģ;0123;Latin small letter G with cedilla Ĥ;0124;Latin capital letter H with circumflex ĥ;0125;Latin small letter H with circumflex Ħ;0126;Latin capital letter H with stroke ħ;0127;Latin small letter H with stroke Ĩ;0128;Latin capital letter I with tilde ĩ;0129;Latin small letter I with tilde Ī;012A;Latin capital letter I with macron ī;012B;Latin small letter I with macron Ĭ;012C;Latin capital letter I with breve ĭ;012D;Latin small letter I with breve Į;012E;Latin capital letter I with ogonek į;012F;Latin small letter I with ogonek İ;0130;Latin capital letter I with dot above ı;0131;Latin small letter dotless I IJ;0132;Latin capital ligature ij ij;0133;Latin small ligature ij Ĵ;0134;Latin capital letter J with circumflex ĵ;0135;Latin small letter J with circumflex Ķ;0136;Latin capital letter K with cedilla ķ;0137;Latin small letter K with cedilla ĸ;0138;Latin small letter kra Ļ;013B;Latin capital letter L with cedilla ļ;013C;Latin small letter L with cedilla Ŀ;013F;Latin capital letter L with middle dot ŀ;0140;Latin small letter L with middle dot Ņ;0145;Latin capital letter N with cedilla ņ;0146;Latin small letter N with cedilla ʼn;0149;Latin small letter N preceded by apostrophe Ŋ;014A;Latin capital letter eng ŋ;014B;Latin small letter eng Ō;014C;Latin capital letter O with macron ō;014D;Latin small letter O with macron Ŏ;014E;Latin capital letter O with breve ŏ;014F;Latin small letter O with breve Œ;0152;Latin capital ligature oe œ;0153;Latin small ligature oe Ŗ;0156;Latin capital letter R with cedilla ŗ;0157;Latin small letter R with cedilla Ŝ;015C;Latin capital letter S with circumflex ŝ;015D;Latin small letter S with circumflex Ŧ;0166;Latin capital letter T with stroke ŧ;0167;Latin small letter T with stroke Ũ;0168;Latin capital letter U with tilde ũ;0169;Latin small letter U with tilde Ū;016A;Latin capital letter U with macron ū;016B;Latin small letter U with macron Ŭ;016C;Latin capital letter U with breve ŭ;016D;Latin small letter U with breve Ų;0172;Latin capital letter U with ogonek ų;0173;Latin small letter U with ogonek Ŵ;0174;Latin capital letter W with circumflex ŵ;0175;Latin small letter W with circumflex Ŷ;0176;Latin capital letter Y with circumflex ŷ;0177;Latin small letter Y with circumflex Ÿ;0178;Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis ſ;017F;Latin small letter long S ƀ;0180;Latin small letter B with stroke Ɓ;0181;Latin capital letter B with hook Ƃ;0182;Latin capital letter B with topbar ƃ;0183;Latin small letter B with topbar Ƅ;0184;Latin capital letter tone six ƅ;0185;Latin small letter tone six Ɔ;0186;Latin capital letter open O Ƈ;0187;Latin capital letter C with hook ƈ;0188;Latin small letter C with hook Ɖ;0189;Latin capital letter african D Ɗ;018A;Latin capital letter D with hook Ƌ;018B;Latin capital letter D with topbar ƌ;018C;Latin small letter D with topbar ƍ;018D;Latin small letter turned delta Ǝ;018E;Latin capital letter reversed E Ə;018F;Latin capital letter schwa Ɛ;0190;Latin capital letter open E Ƒ;0191;Latin capital letter F with hook ƒ;0192;Latin small letter F with hook Ɠ;0193;Latin capital letter G with hook Ɣ;0194;Latin capital letter gamma ƕ;0195;Latin small letter hv Ɩ;0196;Latin capital letter iota Ɨ;0197;Latin capital letter I with stroke Ƙ;0198;Latin capital letter K with hook ƙ;0199;Latin small letter K with hook ƚ;019A;Latin small letter L with bar ƛ;019B;Latin small letter lambda with stroke Ɯ;019C;Latin capital letter turned M Ɲ;019D;Latin capital letter N with left hook ƞ;019E;Latin small letter N with long right leg Ɵ;019F;Latin capital letter O with middle tilde Ơ;01A0;Latin capital letter O with horn ơ;01A1;Latin small letter O with horn Ƣ;01A2;Latin capital letter oi ƣ;01A3;Latin small letter oi Ƥ;01A4;Latin capital letter P with hook ƥ;01A5;Latin small letter P with hook Ʀ;01A6;Latin letter yr Ƨ;01A7;Latin capital letter tone two ƨ;01A8;Latin small letter tone two Ʃ;01A9;Latin capital letter esh ƪ;01AA;Latin letter reversed esh loop ƫ;01AB;Latin small letter T with palatal hook Ƭ;01AC;Latin capital letter T with hook ƭ;01AD;Latin small letter T with hook Ʈ;01AE;Latin capital letter T with retroflex hook Ư;01AF;Latin capital letter U with horn ư;01B0;Latin small letter U with horn Ʊ;01B1;Latin capital letter upsilon Ʋ;01B2;Latin capital letter V with hook Ƴ;01B3;Latin capital letter Y with hook ƴ;01B4;Latin small letter Y with hook Ƶ;01B5;Latin capital letter Z with stroke ƶ;01B6;Latin small letter Z with stroke Ʒ;01B7;Latin capital letter ezh Ƹ;01B8;Latin capital letter ezh reversed ƹ;01B9;Latin small letter ezh reversed ƺ;01BA;Latin small letter ezh with tail ƻ;01BB;Latin letter two with stroke Ƽ;01BC;Latin capital letter tone five ƽ;01BD;Latin small letter tone five ƾ;01BE;Latin letter inverted glottal stop with stroke ƿ;01BF;Latin letter wynn ǀ;01C0;Latin letter dental click ǁ;01C1;Latin letter lateral click ǂ;01C2;Latin letter alveolar click ǃ;01C3;Latin letter retroflex click DŽ;01C4;Latin capital letter dz with caron Dž;01C5;Latin capital letter D with small letter Z with caron dž;01C6;Latin small letter dz with caron LJ;01C7;Latin capital letter lj Lj;01C8;Latin capital letter L with small letter J lj;01C9;Latin small letter lj NJ;01CA;Latin capital letter nj Nj;01CB;Latin capital letter N with small letter J nj;01CC;Latin small letter nj Ǎ;01CD;Latin capital letter A with caron ǎ;01CE;Latin small letter A with caron Ǐ;01CF;Latin capital letter I with caron ǐ;01D0;Latin small letter I with caron Ǒ;01D1;Latin capital letter O with caron ǒ;01D2;Latin small letter O with caron Ǔ;01D3;Latin capital letter U with caron ǔ;01D4;Latin small letter U with caron Ǖ;01D5;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and macron ǖ;01D6;Latin small letter U with diaeresis and macron Ǘ;01D7;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and acute ǘ;01D8;Latin small letter U with diaeresis and acute Ǚ;01D9;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and caron ǚ;01DA;Latin small letter U with diaeresis and caron Ǜ;01DB;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis and grave ǜ;01DC;Latin small letter U with diaeresis and grave ǝ;01DD;Latin small letter turned E Ǟ;01DE;Latin capital letter A with diaeresis and macron ǟ;01DF;Latin small letter A with diaeresis and macron Ǡ;01E0;Latin capital letter A with dot above and macron ǡ;01E1;Latin small letter A with dot above and macron Ǣ;01E2;Latin capital letter ae with macron ǣ;01E3;Latin small letter ae with macron Ǥ;01E4;Latin capital letter G with stroke ǥ;01E5;Latin small letter G with stroke Ǧ;01E6;Latin capital letter G with caron ǧ;01E7;Latin small letter G with caron Ǩ;01E8;Latin capital letter K with caron ǩ;01E9;Latin small letter K with caron Ǫ;01EA;Latin capital letter O with ogonek ǫ;01EB;Latin small letter O with ogonek Ǭ;01EC;Latin capital letter O with ogonek and macron ǭ;01ED;Latin small letter O with ogonek and macron Ǯ;01EE;Latin capital letter ezh with caron ǯ;01EF;Latin small letter ezh with caron ǰ;01F0;Latin small letter J with caron DZ;01F1;Latin capital letter dz Dz;01F2;Latin capital letter D with small letter Z dz;01F3;Latin small letter dz Ǵ;01F4;Latin capital letter G with acute ǵ;01F5;Latin small letter G with acute Ƕ;01F6;Latin capital letter hwair Ƿ;01F7;Latin capital letter wynn Ǹ;01F8;Latin capital letter N with grave ǹ;01F9;Latin small letter N with grave Ǻ;01FA;Latin capital letter A with ring above and acute ǻ;01FB;Latin small letter A with ring above and acute Ǽ;01FC;Latin capital letter ae with acute ǽ;01FD;Latin small letter ae with acute Ǿ;01FE;Latin capital letter O with stroke and acute ǿ;01FF;Latin small letter O with stroke and acute Ȁ;0200;Latin capital letter A with double grave ȁ;0201;Latin small letter A with double grave Ȃ;0202;Latin capital letter A with inverted breve ȃ;0203;Latin small letter A with inverted breve Ȅ;0204;Latin capital letter E with double grave ȅ;0205;Latin small letter E with double grave Ȇ;0206;Latin capital letter E with inverted breve ȇ;0207;Latin small letter E with inverted breve Ȉ;0208;Latin capital letter I with double grave ȉ;0209;Latin small letter I with double grave Ȋ;020A;Latin capital letter I with inverted breve ȋ;020B;Latin small letter I with inverted breve Ȍ;020C;Latin capital letter O with double grave ȍ;020D;Latin small letter O with double grave Ȏ;020E;Latin capital letter O with inverted breve ȏ;020F;Latin small letter O with inverted breve Ȑ;0210;Latin capital letter R with double grave ȑ;0211;Latin small letter R with double grave Ȓ;0212;Latin capital letter R with inverted breve ȓ;0213;Latin small letter R with inverted breve Ȕ;0214;Latin capital letter U with double grave ȕ;0215;Latin small letter U with double grave Ȗ;0216;Latin capital letter U with inverted breve ȗ;0217;Latin small letter U with inverted breve Ș;0218;Latin capital letter S with comma below ș;0219;Latin small letter S with comma below Ț;021A;Latin capital letter T with comma below ț;021B;Latin small letter T with comma below Ȝ;021C;Latin capital letter yogh ȝ;021D;Latin small letter yogh Ȟ;021E;Latin capital letter H with caron ȟ;021F;Latin small letter H with caron Ƞ;0220;Latin capital letter N with long right leg ȡ;0221;Latin small letter D with curl Ȣ;0222;Latin capital letter ou ȣ;0223;Latin small letter ou Ȥ;0224;Latin capital letter Z with hook ȥ;0225;Latin small letter Z with hook Ȧ;0226;Latin capital letter A with dot above ȧ;0227;Latin small letter A with dot above Ȩ;0228;Latin capital letter E with cedilla ȩ;0229;Latin small letter E with cedilla Ȫ;022A;Latin capital letter O with diaeresis and macron ȫ;022B;Latin small letter O with diaeresis and macron Ȭ;022C;Latin capital letter O with tilde and macron ȭ;022D;Latin small letter O with tilde and macron Ȯ;022E;Latin capital letter O with dot above ȯ;022F;Latin small letter O with dot above Ȱ;0230;Latin capital letter O with dot above and macron ȱ;0231;Latin small letter O with dot above and macron Ȳ;0232;Latin capital letter Y with macron ȳ;0233;Latin small letter Y with macron ȴ;0234;Latin small letter L with curl ȵ;0235;Latin small letter N with curl ȶ;0236;Latin small letter T with curl ȷ;0237;Latin small letter dotless J ȸ;0238;Latin small letter db digraph ȹ;0239;Latin small letter qp digraph Ⱥ;023A;Latin capital letter A with stroke Ȼ;023B;Latin capital letter C with stroke ȼ;023C;Latin small letter C with stroke Ƚ;023D;Latin capital letter L with bar Ⱦ;023E;Latin capital letter T with diagonal stroke ȿ;023F;Latin small letter S with swash tail ɀ;0240;Latin small letter Z with swash tail Ɂ;0241;Latin capital letter glottal stop ɂ;0242;Latin small letter glottal stop Ƀ;0243;Latin capital letter B with stroke Ʉ;0244;Latin capital letter U bar Ʌ;0245;Latin capital letter turned V Ɇ;0246;Latin capital letter E with stroke ɇ;0247;Latin small letter E with stroke Ɉ;0248;Latin capital letter J with stroke ɉ;0249;Latin small letter J with stroke Ɋ;024A;Latin capital letter small Q with hook tail ɋ;024B;Latin small letter Q with hook tail Ɍ;024C;Latin capital letter R with stroke ɍ;024D;Latin small letter R with stroke Ɏ;024E;Latin capital letter Y with stroke ɏ;024F;Latin small letter Y with stroke ɐ;0250;Latin small letter turned A ɑ;0251;Latin small letter alpha ɒ;0252;Latin small letter turned alpha ɓ;0253;Latin small letter B with hook ɔ;0254;Latin small letter open O ɕ;0255;Latin small letter C with curl ɖ;0256;Latin small letter D with tail ɗ;0257;Latin small letter D with hook ɘ;0258;Latin small letter reversed E ə;0259;Latin small letter schwa ɚ;025A;Latin small letter schwa with hook ɛ;025B;Latin small letter open E ɜ;025C;Latin small letter reversed open E ɝ;025D;Latin small letter reversed open E with hook ɞ;025E;Latin small letter closed reversed open E ɟ;025F;Latin small letter dotless J with stroke ɠ;0260;Latin small letter G with hook ɡ;0261;Latin small letter script G ɢ;0262;Latin letter small capital G ɣ;0263;Latin small letter gamma ɤ;0264;Latin small letter rams horn ɥ;0265;Latin small letter turned H ɦ;0266;Latin small letter H with hook ɧ;0267;Latin small letter heng with hook ɨ;0268;Latin small letter I with stroke ɩ;0269;Latin small letter iota ɪ;026A;Latin letter small capital I ɫ;026B;Latin small letter L with middle tilde ɬ;026C;Latin small letter L with belt ɭ;026D;Latin small letter L with retroflex hook ɮ;026E;Latin small letter lezh ɯ;026F;Latin small letter turned M ɰ;0270;Latin small letter turned M with long leg ɱ;0271;Latin small letter M with hook ɲ;0272;Latin small letter N with left hook ɳ;0273;Latin small letter N with retroflex hook ɴ;0274;Latin letter small capital N ɵ;0275;Latin small letter barred O ɶ;0276;Latin letter small capital oe ɷ;0277;Latin small letter closed omega ɸ;0278;Latin small letter phi ɹ;0279;Latin small letter turned R ɺ;027A;Latin small letter turned R with long leg ɻ;027B;Latin small letter turned R with hook ɼ;027C;Latin small letter R with long leg ɽ;027D;Latin small letter R with tail ɾ;027E;Latin small letter R with fishhook ɿ;027F;Latin small letter reversed R with fishhook ʀ;0280;Latin letter small capital R ʁ;0281;Latin letter small capital inverted R ʂ;0282;Latin small letter S with hook ʃ;0283;Latin small letter esh ʄ;0284;Latin small letter dotless J with stroke and hook ʅ;0285;Latin small letter squat reversed esh ʆ;0286;Latin small letter esh with curl ʇ;0287;Latin small letter turned T ʈ;0288;Latin small letter T with retroflex hook ʉ;0289;Latin small letter U bar ʊ;028A;Latin small letter upsilon ʋ;028B;Latin small letter V with hook ʌ;028C;Latin small letter turned V ʍ;028D;Latin small letter turned W ʎ;028E;Latin small letter turned Y ʏ;028F;Latin letter small capital Y ʐ;0290;Latin small letter Z with retroflex hook ʑ;0291;Latin small letter Z with curl ʒ;0292;Latin small letter ezh ʓ;0293;Latin small letter ezh with curl ʔ;0294;Latin letter glottal stop ʕ;0295;Latin letter pharyngeal voiced fricative ʖ;0296;Latin letter inverted glottal stop ʗ;0297;Latin letter stretched C ʘ;0298;Latin letter bilabial click ʙ;0299;Latin letter small capital B ʚ;029A;Latin small letter closed open E ʛ;029B;Latin letter small capital G with hook ʜ;029C;Latin letter small capital H ʝ;029D;Latin small letter J with crossed-tail ʞ;029E;Latin small letter turned K ʟ;029F;Latin letter small capital L ʠ;02A0;Latin small letter Q with hook ʡ;02A1;Latin letter glottal stop with stroke ʢ;02A2;Latin letter reversed glottal stop with stroke ʣ;02A3;Latin small letter dz digraph ʤ;02A4;Latin small letter dezh digraph ʥ;02A5;Latin small letter dz digraph with curl ʦ;02A6;Latin small letter ts digraph ʧ;02A7;Latin small letter tesh digraph ʨ;02A8;Latin small letter tc digraph with curl ʩ;02A9;Latin small letter feng digraph ʪ;02AA;Latin small letter ls digraph ʫ;02AB;Latin small letter lz digraph ʬ;02AC;Latin letter bilabial percussive ʭ;02AD;Latin letter bidental percussive ʮ;02AE;Latin small letter turned H with fishhook ʯ;02AF;Latin small letter turned H with fishhook and tail ʰ;02B0;Modifier letter small H ʱ;02B1;Modifier letter small H with hook ʲ;02B2;Modifier letter small J ʳ;02B3;Modifier letter small R ʴ;02B4;Modifier letter small turned R ʵ;02B5;Modifier letter small turned R with hook ʶ;02B6;Modifier letter small capital inverted R ʷ;02B7;Modifier letter small W ʸ;02B8;Modifier letter small Y ᴗ;1D17;Latin small letter bottom half O ᴘ;1D18;Latin letter small capital P ᴙ;1D19;Latin letter small capital reversed R ᴚ;1D1A;Latin letter small capital turned R ᴛ;1D1B;Latin letter small capital T ᴜ;1D1C;Latin letter small capital U ᴝ;1D1D;Latin small letter sideways U ᴞ;1D1E;Latin small letter sideways diaeresized U ᴟ;1D1F;Latin small letter sideways turned M ᴠ;1D20;Latin letter small capital v ᴡ;1D21;Latin letter small capital W ᴢ;1D22;Latin letter small capital Z ᴣ;1D23;Latin letter small capital ezh ᴤ;1D24;Latin letter voiced laryngeal spirant ᴥ;1D25;Latin letter ain ᴦ;1D26;Greek letter small capital gamma ᴧ;1D27;Greek letter small capital lamda ᴨ;1D28;Greek letter small capital pi ᴩ;1D29;Greek letter small capital rho ᴪ;1D2A;Greek letter small capital psi ᴫ;1D2B;Cyrillic letter small capital el ᴬ;1D2C;Modifier letter capital A ᴭ;1D2D;Modifier letter capital ae

tim-band commented 3 years ago

Hi @apitta0188, I'll be looking after Frrant (part time) after Peter leaves and before a new developer is appointed. I have been looking at issue #70; adding new symbols to the symbol picker. In my previous comment (https://github.com/UCL/frrant/issues/70#issuecomment-786002842) I list all the requested symbols; I have asked a couple of questions; firstly I think there are a few characters we don't want in this list. Secondly I think we probably need a separate "Extended Latin" group for these. What do you think? Thanks, -Tim

apitta0188 commented 3 years ago

Dear Tim,

I agree with you that a few character are not needed: I am going to arrange a revised list of characters, where new labels for possible groups are suggested. I will send it to you as soon as it's ready. Thank you for your work, and very best. AP

Da: tim-band notifications@github.com Inviato: venerdì 26 febbraio 2021 14:42 A: UCL/frrant frrant@noreply.github.com Cc: Pitta' Antonino (antonino.pitta) antonino.pitta@unicatt.it; Mention mention@noreply.github.com Oggetto: Re: [UCL/frrant] Add new set of symbols to the symbol picker (#70)

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Hi @apitta0188https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapitta0188&data=04%7C01%7Cantonino.pitta%40unicatt.it%7Cfd532ca215834d69e38008d8da5c548e%7Cb94f7d7481ff44a9b5886682acc85779%7C0%7C0%7C637499437380960273%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=%2Bw%2BqcItwHp%2BmYKEDhEHqm3DbfiKIVl7ZrloHV27IZmc%3D&reserved=0, I'll be looking after Frrant (part time) after Peter leaves and before a new developer is appointed. I have been looking at issue #70https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FUCL%2Ffrrant%2Fissues%2F70&data=04%7C01%7Cantonino.pitta%40unicatt.it%7Cfd532ca215834d69e38008d8da5c548e%7Cb94f7d7481ff44a9b5886682acc85779%7C0%7C0%7C637499437380960273%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=47zq9RutRx6%2B4eABm2545pDDy%2B1ivSQCKEStjeiHDE4%3D&reserved=0; adding new symbols to the symbol picker. In my previous comment (#70 (comment)https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FUCL%2Ffrrant%2Fissues%2F70%23issuecomment-786002842&data=04%7C01%7Cantonino.pitta%40unicatt.it%7Cfd532ca215834d69e38008d8da5c548e%7Cb94f7d7481ff44a9b5886682acc85779%7C0%7C0%7C637499437380970274%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=8%2BYTl%2Fq6CoBzivrRdX6wlGavz7r4T1uAZrn4gHBKCMk%3D&reserved=0) I list all the requested symbols; I have asked a couple of questions; firstly I think there are a few characters we don't want in this list. Secondly I think we probably need a separate "Extended Latin" group for these. What do you think? Thanks, -Tim

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rmamarshall commented 7 months ago

@acholyn @apitta0188 This looks like an issue with adding Alphabetum characters to the symbol picker, so should be relatively straight forward. Perhaps it would be best to have a document explaining how to do this so that we can add them as needed, rather than try to anticipate future need.

acholyn commented 7 months ago

@rmamarshall does this wiki entry help?

If I'm understanding correctly, the characters exist in the font and have codes, they just need to be added to the picker, whereas #24 is an earlier stage and those need to be added to the actual font?

acholyn commented 7 months ago

closing in favour of #448 as this issue now concerns adding specific characters to the font