UCL / rsd-engineeringcourse

Course materials for Research Software Engineering course.
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Metaprogramming page #118

Open mattagape opened 5 years ago

mattagape commented 5 years ago
  1. The text says "We can access the attribute dictionary for the local namespace inside a function with locals() but this cannot be written to." But the code following this looks like we are doing just that?
ageorgou commented 5 years ago

"Introspection" or "Reflection" might be a better name for this chapter (are we generating any code programmatically?).

I think we should have this as optional content; out of the whole "Advanced Programming Practices" part, it seems the bit that students are least likely to come across or require. If not, we may need to trim some other material, because it feels like there is already enough for one 3-hour lecture.