UCLA-Plasma-Simulation-Group / QuickPIC-OpenSource

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non-uniform plasma profiles #3

Open YangmeiLi opened 7 years ago

YangmeiLi commented 7 years ago


I found some description on different plasma profiles like below, but they seemed not correct, as I only got uniform plasma at Profile_type of 1 instead of 0 and no plasma at all for other profile types. I used the code released on github. Probably you have updated the code and changed the corresponding type values to create different plasmas? Could you offer me the right description? I really need this to create non-uniform plasma. Many thanks.

Profile_type: 0 - uniform, density = 1 (nomalized to the Plasma_Density) 1 - linear, density = 1+p1(x/p2-p3) 2 - sine, density = 1+p1sin(xp2-p3) 3 - gaussian, density = 1+p1exp(-((x-p2)/p3)**2) 18 - hollow channel, density = 0 (r<p1) or p2 (r>p1) 19 - circle, density = p2 (r<p1) or 0 (r>p1) 20 - half space, density = 0 (right) or 1 (left) 21 - piecewise, density = n(r) 70 - finite hollow channel, density = 0 (r<p1 & r>p3) or p2 (r>p1 & r<p3) argx1/2/3: arguments for uniform, linear, sine, gaussian, hollow, circle, half space profiles. uniform: argx1/2/3 not used. linear: p1=argx1, p2=argx2, p3=argx3 sine: p1=argx1, p2=argx2, p3=argx3 gaussian: p1=argx1, p2=argx2, p3=argx3 hollow/circle: p1=argx1 (micron), p2=argx2 half: argx1/2/3 not used

Best regards, Yangmei

caozigao commented 5 years ago

I have added hollow channel profiles in the dev branch. I also put some instructions for the input file parameters in the wiki page. Please give it a try if you are still interested.