UCLA-Plasma-Simulation-Group / QuickPIC-OpenSource

Open source repository for QuickPIC
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Dev #32

Open mingzeng8 opened 4 years ago

mingzeng8 commented 4 years ago

A new profile code 4 is implemented, for reading the beam particles from a particle raw h5 file of a OSIRIS or QuickPIC output. The example input deck is following.

{ "simulation" : !note { "nodes" : [32,1], "indx" : 8, "indy" : 8, "indz" : 9, "box" : { "x" : [-4.0,4.0], "y" : [-4.0,4.0], "z" : [0.0,10.0]}, "boundary" : "conducting", "n0" : 1.0e16, "time" : 3062., "dt" : 2.0, "nbeams" : 1, "nspecies" : 1, "dump_restart" : false, "ndump_restart" : 4000, "read_restart" : false, "restart_timestep" : 1, "iter" : 1, "verbose" : 0 },

"beam" : [ { "evolution" : true, "profile" : 4, "npmax" : 4200000, "q" : -1.0, "m" : 1.0, "file_name" : "driver.h5", ! format can be 0 (OSIRIS, 1,2,3 correspond to z,x,y) or 1 (QuickPIC, 1,2,3 correspond to x,y,z) "format" : 1, ! The actual number of particles of a macro particle is (cell_volumnn0_per_cc1e6)q ! which should be constant between codes, thus ! q_ratio = (cell_volumn_in_old_simn0_in_old_sim)/(cell_volumn_in_new_sim*n0_in_new_sim) ! /raw_sampling_ratio. "q_ratio" : 1., "offset" : [0.0,0.0,0.0], ! Offset in x, y, z. If the h5 has OSIRIS format, z in this simulation is offset_z - z in h5. "quiet_start" : true, "diag" : [ { "name" : ["charge"], "ndump" : 0 }, { "name" : ["charge"], "ndump" : 10, "slice" : [["xz", 129],["yz",129]] }, { "name" : ["raw"], "ndump" : 10, "sample" : 1 } ]
}, ],

"species" : [ { "profile" : 0, "ppc" : [2,2], "q" : -1.0, "m" : 1.0, "density" : 1.0, "longitudinal_profile" : "uniform", "diag" : [ { "name" : ["charge", "jx"], "ndump" : 0 }, { "name" : ["charge"], "ndump" : 10, "slice" : [["xz", 129],["yz",129]] } ]
} ],

"field" : { "diag" : [ { "name" : ["ex","ez"], "ndump" : 0 }, { "name" : ["ex","bx","ey","by","ez"], "ndump" : 10, "slice" : [["xz", 129],["yz", 129]] } ]

} }