UCLA-VAST-Cluster / user-faq

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New User: Pasha Khosravi #2

Closed dotkrnl closed 3 years ago

dotkrnl commented 3 years ago


This issue is used for tracking the progress of setting you up in our cluster. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Please fill out the required information in Section 1.
  2. Submit this issue so that the admins can see.
  3. The admin will process requests in Section 2. You don't have to do anything at this moment unless you have questions.
  4. The admin will let you know after everything is done by replying to this issue.
  5. Please follow Section 3 and finish the checklist carefully.

Section 1: Required Information

1. Information for applying a NIS account.

Check https://vast.cs.ucla.edu/cluster/ to see which server is generally idle before applying.

2. Information for applying a container.

Section 2: Process Requests (for admin)

  1. [x] Create a NIS account
  2. [x] Create the container(s)

The admin will to reply this issue after all above requests are processed.

Section 3: Setup

  1. [ ] Mandatory Check your NIS account
    • You will receive your temporary password via the email you provided.
    • Login to cdsc0.cs.ucla.edu, run yppasswd, and CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD
    • Optional Setup SSH key
    • Optional Setup local GUI environment
  2. [ ] Mandatory Read the following Cluster User Guide
    • You can check the status of the cluster and make reservations of nodes using your GitHub account: https://vast.cs.ucla.edu/cluster/
      • The reservation will be automatically enforced so that only your container will be available during the time -- all other users' containers will be stopped. Please be considerate of other users: plan ahead and reserve early so that other people can stop their tasks and back up their data. Reserve a node only if it is necessary: for example if you are going to perform execution time experiments that require exclusive access.
    • Do not install Vivado, SDAccel, or Merlin compiler in your home directory or in any of the containers. The following built-in scripts can be executed directly: xocc, vivado, vivado_hls.
    • Use /home/yourusername whenever possible. Do NOT run Vivado, SDAccel, Merlin compiler, or any other I/O intensive tasks in your default home directory on NFS (/curr/yourusername).
    • Do not shutdown the container as you are not able to start it again, but rebooting is allowed.
  3. [ ] Mandatory Check your container(s)
    • You may login to your container from cdsc0.cs.ucla.edu only
    • To login to a Ubuntu container on nx, do ssh ux. For example, if you have a Ubuntu container on n7, do ssh u7.
    • To login to a CentOS container on nx, do ssh cx. For example, if you have a CentOS container on n7, do ssh c7.
  4. [ ] Optional Comment under this issue if you have any questions
  5. [ ] Mandatory Close this issue when you are all set
dotkrnl commented 3 years ago

Created on behalf of @khosravipasha . I created a CentOS container on n20 under user kdmarrett, with permission for @khosravipasha to login with ssh khosravipasha@ @khosravipasha please proceed to Section 3.