This component is used Exhibit Details to display a carousel of images to the User.The hover states are the Prev < and Next > and X closing links. It is called Lightbox in the Figma design.
[Updated 6/25, @andrewbenedictwallace] This component should be fairly dumb, knowing only the current image / media and whether to show/enable "previous" and "next" buttons. Clicking those or the close button will emit events to the parent component (SectionGallery), which will have access to the whole list of gallery items and respond to events by updating this component with new props.
Please also see attached screenshots for quick reference.
The parent component (SectionGallery) keeps track of the full array of items and handles navigating between them. This one just displays a single item in a modal and emits events when the buttons are pressed.
We might want a child component that inspects the prop item and decides how to display it - a simple <img ...> tag for images but loading a player for AV?.
Component Description
This component is used Exhibit Details to display a carousel of images to the User.The hover states are the Prev < and Next > and X closing links. It is called Lightbox in the Figma design.
[Updated 6/25, @andrewbenedictwallace] This component should be fairly dumb, knowing only the current image / media and whether to show/enable "previous" and "next" buttons. Clicking those or the close button will emit events to the parent component (SectionGallery), which will have access to the whole list of gallery items and respond to events by updating this component with new props.
Please also see attached screenshots for quick reference.
Developer Tips
and decides how to display it - a simple <img ...> tag for images but loading a player for AV?.Modal
Child components
Image / Media component?
Icon SVGs