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Sinai Syriac 18, paratext descriptions #100

Open wlpotter opened 1 year ago

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Previous issue: #17

SMDL Link: https://sinaimanuscripts.library.ucla.edu/catalog/ark:%2F21198%2Fz1795p8x

Metadata Gathering Doc:


There are a number of marginalia in Arabic [57v, 058r,099r, 104r] and Greek, most of which is found upside down [001r, 111v, 112r,120v, 148v, 154r, 190v, 191r, 197v, 198r, backboard inside]. | Syriac notes in the margin all (with the possible exception of those found on 132v and144r) belong to the manuscript’s contents.