UCLALibrary / ucla-library-website-components

This is a library of Vue components that will be used in UCLA Library Nuxt websites.
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fix: APPS-2675 fix BlockStaffDetail.vue image type #508

Closed farosFreed closed 1 month ago

farosFreed commented 1 month ago

Connected to APPS-2675

Component Edited: BlockStaffDetail.vue

Stories Edited: ~/stories/BlockStaffDetail.stories.js


images won't display because our mock storybook data is bugged, it has the entire image object being passed as the src argument for the responsiveImage child component, this means the responsiveImage component in BlockStaffDetail.vue never renders with actual data, and throws errors about getting a string when it expects an object


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Percy Screenshots

In order to conserve our percy screenshot allowance, percy is not configured to run automatically. Please make sure the PR is ready and all other checks are passing, then start it manually:

  1. Visit https://github.com/UCLALibrary/ucla-library-website-components/actions/workflows/percy.yml 2. Click the 'Run workflow' button in the blue bar. 3. Select the correct branch for this PR and click 'Run workflow' again to confirm.
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

🚀 Deployed on https://deploy-preview-508--ucla-library-storybook-vue3x.netlify.app

pghorpade commented 1 month ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 2.39.0-alpha.78 :tada:

The release is available on:

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