UCLALibrary / ucla-library-website-components

This is a library of Vue components that will be used in UCLA Library Nuxt websites.
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fix: Fix tab focus in-out of search input field #514

Closed tinuola closed 1 month ago

tinuola commented 1 month ago

Connected/Related to APPS-2711

Component Updated: SearchInput.vue

Notes: On Nuxt3 pages that have the search input component, the skip-to-main-content functionality was not working properly. On page load, tab focus would jump into the search input and get trapped there. Troubleshooting revealed that a line of code in the Vue2 version of the SearchInput component was missing in the migrated version. This PR updates the Vue3 component with the omitted code.


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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In order to conserve our percy screenshot allowance, percy is not configured to run automatically. Please make sure the PR is ready and all other checks are passing, then start it manually:

  1. Visit https://github.com/UCLALibrary/ucla-library-website-components/actions/workflows/percy.yml 2. Click the 'Run workflow' button in the blue bar. 3. Select the correct branch for this PR and click 'Run workflow' again to confirm.
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

🚀 Deployed on https://deploy-preview-514--ucla-library-storybook-vue3x.netlify.app

pghorpade commented 1 month ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 2.39.0-alpha.82 :tada:

The release is available on:

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