UCLALibrary / ucla-library-website-components

This is a library of Vue components that will be used in UCLA Library Nuxt websites.
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feat: Apps-2704 finish tags component part 2 #531

Closed farosFreed closed 1 day ago

farosFreed commented 1 week ago

Connected to APPS-2704

Components Updated:BlockTag.vue, BlockRemoveSearchFilter.vue + theme files and stories


Icons are in, everything should be true to mockups


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🚀 Deployed on https://deploy-preview-531--ucla-library-storybook-vue3x.netlify.app

farosFreed commented 1 week ago

@tinuola github wouldn't let me reply directly:

all the route stuff is there because on the library site, this component looks at the route to determine the border color of the block (/visit/x has a different color than /help/x, etc).

For FTVA, the route is irrelevant to the styles, but the component still expects a route so the story must have it - it doesnt matter what route I pass.

pghorpade commented 1 day ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 2.39.0-alpha.89 :tada:

The release is available on:

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